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Take a friend along so you can only talk about what you see then thinking about all the issues and craziness will cease for a moment.

I'm OK with talking to my friends online. Asking someone to "look at the stars with me" sounds way too romantic, and weird.

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This may sound lame... But do you or have you just stopped everything and sat or layed under the stars and stopped thinking for a while?

No, never.

I took cosmo. For a brief time and I have to say you do a very very good job. Excellent for no training. I cut my own hair as well ( sometimes ) I'm about to have green streaks in my hair. I just wish mine was as thick as yours looks. Thanks for answering.

Thank you. You're welcome and good luck with your hair!

Jag måste säga att du är verkligen inspirerande! Har själv också försökt klä mig som Visual Kei-style men ingen i min lilla by förstod det så jag tänkte att det är pinsamt (fast det inte är det!) och slutade helt med det. Ångrar mig lite.. Anyways.. All kärlek till dig! <3

Tack! Tycker dock inte att jag "klär mig" speciellt visual kei-aktigt. Fast å andra sidan så har jag sällan tänkt på titlar och vad jag "är". Tycker allt för många människor fokuserar på att vara något specifikt. Jag har bara valt saker jag tycker om, och så blir det vad det blir. Har inget namn för det direkt.
Jag tog förgivet att ingen skulle "förstå". Folk förstår fortfarande inte, får fortfarande "varför har du X?"-frågor. Vilket jag tycker är rätt märkligt, som om det skulle finnas någon bakomliggande djupare mening med varför jag bär vissa saker? Hah.
Gör det som känns rätt, annars ser jag inte någon direkt mening med att göra saker.

I love the style of your hair,you must have an awesome hairdresser. Is this self created or inspired by another person? Will you ever add a different color to your hair?

Thank you.
I don't have a hair dresser. I've been cutting my hair by myself for the past ten years (before I didn't really have a hairstyle.) I'm not trained or anything, I "just cut". All my hairstyles have been inspired. My very first haircut was inspired by Kana (PANIC☆ch). I've also had the same color combination, and I've had the red replaced with pink sometimes. I had blonde "over hair" (I have no idea what's it called) and black underneath around mid-2008.
But I've always had the long hair (it's around 100cm now). And I've mostly had bangs on the right side of my face, I've had different bangs though. And my hair has mainly been black. Most recent I've tried to get a similar hairstyle as 京 (DIR EN GREY) had early 2010. But we have different hairlines and structure so it didn't work out. So I gave up on that after two years.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mvwud4riomYMADREVOLVER’s Video 110309023716 Mvwud4riomYMADREVOLVER’s Video 110309023716 Mvwud4riomY

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I love the style of your hairyou must have an awesome hairdresser Is this self

What is Visual Kei according to you?

I've answered this before, so I'll copy-paste.
Visual kei (very much like glam rock) was a rebellion towards society in a sense that it delivered shock value and a chance to "stand out" form the main audience and be noticed.
So, for me personally I like it since it gives you the freedom to express yourself/your art in more ways than just musically. But, there's of course a downside. There's A LOT of bands that get WAY too much credit / positive feedback ONLY because of how they look and music becomes a second priority. I don't want to mention any names, but that's the "downside" of it if you ask me.
Music should always be a priority, but to express yourself you should do it in as many ways possible. A band that's not visual kei, but applies auditory, lyrically, visual and even smell as a way to express their believes/art is Watain, amazing band. I always look for that band that delivers a little extra.

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