

Ask @Manzin

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Hey Manzin! Is there any picture with you & MM that you really like or maybe it's your favorite? I am looking for inspiration to paint 💜

All but one or two of our photos together are candid "us standing around at parties looking disheveled" stuff. This is the most composed photo available so this is probably my favorite. To date, anyway. I can't wait to see the finished piece! 💚

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What do you think about Manson's & Johnny Depp's friendship?

It's.....good? Friends are good? Connecting with someone with whom you feel kinship and have shared experiences is good? I don't have any real opinion of it as it has precious little to do with me. If he's happy, I'm happy.

Hey buddy, Where you been video wise?

Snapchat and Instagram, mostly. I haven't been inspired to do a video of any length that was important or interesting enough to post for the ages. Mostly I blame Michigan, the place creativity goes to die. Or maybe I'm just at a shitty boring-ass time in my life, I don't know.

Hey Manzin, i sort of remember you tweeting once about being a gamer, Do you have any current consoles and if so what games do you like/ would want

I don't have anything more current than the 64 bit Super NES and none of the current games are interesting enough for me to consider getting a console.

Hey Manzin, other than absinthe, Whats your go-to Alcohol mix?/drink recipe?

Tall shot of honey whiskey over ice, topped off with Angry Orchard hard cider.

Any advice/tips when it comes to eyeshadow? I don't want to fuck up too badly, I can't ask my mom since she absolutely disapproves of me wearing makeup, and plus your eyeshadow skills are quite impressive from what I've seen in photos. :3

Hunter Zimmerman
Thank you! Usually I just go by mood, lately it's been thin eyeliner to my lower waterline and a little purple or red under my lower lashes to give a lovely death's door illness look. Usually I put my darkest color toward the back of the eye, like at 10 and 2 if you think of the eyeball as a clock. And blend that in, and then do a lighter color over the rest of the lid and the very lightest color or a glitter shimmer bit in the center which gives your eye a nice contour. Blending is important (so they say). It can be fun to use a lighter color along the browbone, if you try to blend dark colors up into your eyebrows it looks either super drag queen, super dramatic, or super raccoon-y which isn't always good. I like to smear the colors all the way over to the bridge of my nose, sometimes I'll let it trail to my temple or down to my cheekbone. It all depends on what kind of look I'm attempting and my mood and what colors I have on hand (and how clean my brushes are, trying to put on a light shadow with a brush that's absolutely sodden with heavy dark pigment is an exercise in muddy futility).
There's not really a *right* way to do anything, I do what works for me through a metric fucktonne of trial and error. Such trials. And good christ, such errors. STILL. Just keep a light hand. You can always add more, but it's a total bitch to take it off and try to regain lost ground without messing up your foundation. :\

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Liked by: Hunter Zimmerman

Oh and another thing, in terms of mentally deficient people, just curious do you consider yourself to be one at all?

Not as much as others.

Also I am so sorry that you have been affected by the tragedy in Orlando. It is NOT RIGHT for people to do hateful shit like that.

It seems like every month some bullshit goes down that makes me hate and distrust people more and more.

What's your favorite brand of black lipstick?

Arielle Shea
Usually I just end up coloring in my lips with pencil liner and throwing a dark purple over it, or painting them in with liquid liner or a black creme makeup. I recently got Kat von D liquid to matte "Witches" but other than that I don't own any black lipstick. And I've only worn the KVD a time or two but no complaints so far other than wishing someone could invent a waterproof matte so it'd stick to the inside of your lips too. I hate having to reapply the inner circle periodically, the reason I buy budgeproof lipstick is so I won't have to worry about migration over the course of a night.

1) What are your feelings on Slipknot's music? 2) what do you think the vibe of the upcoming tour will be? Is it bothersome or problematic that MM is essentially an opener as opposed to co-headliner?

I've heard a few of their singles and it doesn't do much for me. Maybe it's more compelling live, I don't know. Most music warms up a bit when you put it into a Manson context, like "aw I was at the show when they played this, that was such a fun night" so even if the song wasn't initially decent it becomes so through the MM lens.
The vibe will probably be quite a bit rougher than the past few summer tours as Alice Cooper was practically family-friendly with all the little kids and older metalheads in the crowd and Billy Pumpkins' crowd was a bunch of weed-scented marshmallows. I expect Slipknot's crew to contrast very nicely with that, I'm looking forward to having the edge sharpened back to where it was for the Mayhem festivals.
I'm somewhat annoyed that he's opening instead of co-headlining. I don't know why it isn't a double bill, it implies that SK is better or more popular than Manson (both of which are complete lies) so I don't know if it was a financial issue or what, can't imagine why that's happening. Maybe the headliner is more responsible for the money end of things and Manson's saving his pennies for his own headlining tour later this year for the ACSS anniversary (which is hugely wishful thinking on my part). Usually they do summer festivals to raise money for their own projects, he could be banking for a new album as well. We don't know, he's been really quiet in the media with interviews that'd give us any window into what's on the horizon. The only benefit of Manson opening for a band that may or may not be absolute crap is that you can leave before the traffic gets bad.

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Liked by: Arielle Shea

What did you think of The Greatest Freakout Ever?

Didn't watch it. I have enough mentally deficient people to deal with in my life without adding to their ranks by watching YouTube videos.

I know it's back up now but how did The Nachakberette shut down?

Most websites go down if the bill didn't get paid.

Oh and another thing that kid who is freaking out there he is autistic. Did you know April is Autism Awareness Month?

I did.

What do you think about the new laws passed giving gays more rights.? I think it's the right thing to do. I think EVERYONE should have equal rights.

I'm obviously very much in favor of everyone having the same rights across the board.


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