
Martin Enrique Santamaria

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MY LOOKS ARE LEGENDARY AS RIGHT NOW this long hair is making me turn INTO SOMEONE who's known everywhere

Either Fabio or Jim Morrison

Why do I have to constantly keep trying just to fell defeated

Wise words I always give others, “never try never fail.” It will always secure you as a winner.

If you only knew who I was I’d tell you my secret 🤫

Victoria is what many of us clowns would like to say but
No not a clue

Have you ever felt like you are the loneliest person on earth?

You know at times yes but before. I shit you not I adore my family of Perfectas Y Nobles very very much

What does your name mean? Does it accurately reflect your personality?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I anticipated a lot of what would happen and went ahead and used an evil title to call for attention. Get attention but for a real reason and cause. I am a Pacifist believe it or not.

Do you ever kick things to move them when you're frustrated that you'd normally pick up?

Yes at times

2 years ago and I had friends whom betrayed my trust and started conveniently hacking my devices and stealing my information

fngcwyss8’s Profile PhotoFCCTU
They J.C. Jewed you my friend. J.C. Got gang banged by 12. Quite a feat even by present Banger Brothers standards. But you know J.C. and his astronomical numbers. There is no need for an entourage. Less bodies less to worry yourself with.

Is it time to stir the pot?

I believe it might be time for me to put my plan into action and acquire funds immediately. The million dollar plan. Fucking a million fat ugly ass hoes for a dollar each should secure funds and kick off the wedding at Cana. What do you think of it? Be honest.

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