
Mohamed Khaled El-Shirbeny

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يااارب قرب الخير منك وأبعد الشر عنك ☺ويرزقك بالصالح ف الحياه ويرزقك بمآ يخطو ف بالك

يا رب ??

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okay well, absolutely not getting you a violin ?? but I'll think of something on my own because you really deserve something to cheer you up. early happy birthday

I'm re-answering this question again because you didn't send me any riddles again ... and I have no clue who you are ??
and the answer for this question once again is :
I wasn't expecting a violin ??
ooh , that's so nice of you to say ??
you are the first person to celebrate my birthday and wish me a happy birthday ?
I really appreciate it, it means alot ?☺
1 ) still waiting to know who you are ✋??
2) stiil waiting for the next riddle ??

يَقول إبن القيّم : [ لو أن أحدكم همّ بإزالة جبل ، وهو ( واثق بالله ) لأزاله ] اللهم زدنا ثقٌة وحَسن الظن بٌك ^ ^

اللهم آمين يا رب العالمين ?

ملأ الله قلبكم حمدآ .. وكتب لكم في قلوب العباد ودآ .. وأمدكم من فضله في الرزق مدآ .. ولا يسلط عليكم من أهل السوء أحدآ.. من قلبى إليكم :)

آمين يا رب ??

بنا يسعدك و ينورلك طريقك و يفك ضيقتك و يرزقك سعادة تنسيك الزعل اللي شفته في حياتك كلها ربنا يعوضك خير عن كل حاجة خسرتها و يباركلك في دينك و دنيتك ويحققلك اللى بتتمناه ويرزقك سعة فى رزقك وقوة فى بدنك ونور فى قلبك وضياء فى وجهك ومحبه فى قلوب الناس ويطمن ويطيب ل قلبك ♥♥

اللهم آمين يا رب ??
و انا والله ما لاقي كلام اشكر بيه اللي باعت الدعوة دي ?✋
ربنا يجعلك نصيب من كل دعوة دعيتها و يجزيك دايما بالخير✋

someone other than me is stalking you how fun is this ?? let's see, hmmmmm.. I hear your birthday is coming real soon. ? I hope you'll be happy as much as the distance between the earth and the moon. I haven't made a riddle for you yet. I want to buy you a present, tell me what should I get. ;)

I don't really know if someone is stalking me ... I'm just kidding ??
Thanks alot for your lovely words ?✋
I'll be waiting for your next riddle then ??
And about my birthday it's on next wednesday, the 29th of June, and I'm really happy that someone remembered it as it's usually forgotten by others ??
and about the birthday present I don't really know .... I'm looking forward to get a violin? though ?????
Just Kidding ?
I wish I could meet that certain someone I've been waiting ages to meet .... that's what I wish as a birthday gift if I don't get the violin ???

malksh da3wa

طيب ليه العنف طيب ! ??
هو انا أذيت حضرتك في حاجة ! ?
انا بس باسأل عشان يهمني أعرف مين اللي بيstalk عليا عشان ابقى واخد احتياطاتي ??
Liked by: OsaMa El-Remaily

I am your friend but not so close. and as you said this is what I chose. I wouldn't want you to know me so fast. let me play I know it won't last. don't think too much it's not helpfull enough. but if you knew keep it to yourself. ;)

well then .. I'll be here waiting for you to say ?
Because I don't know who you may really be ...
But if I've one thing that I'm allowed to say ...?
It would be that I've grown fond of these words full of rhythm and the game we play ?

Your answer was wrong you missed the clues. Mona lisa was a painting by an Italian not a Dutch a clue you can find by searching the web it's "the anatomy lesson of Dr. nicolaes tulp" remember what I want it's not the Dutch it's the woman undercovered in a painting by a Dutch. what's the painting?

The painting you are seeking is " Bathsheba at Her Bath " ....
Am I right ?! ?

متيجو نصلي ع النبي....... وتبعتها لل عندك نفسي توصلني تاني ممكن ؟❤️❤️❤️

عليه أفضل الصلاة و السلام ?
Liked by: El-Remaily OsaMa

it's so sad as I thought you were smart. I also thought you like puzzle & art. might I be wrong on the first. but if the second too, it couldn't be worst. ;)

I actually love them both ...
but I just don't like the mysterious enchanting of rhythm and words ...
it's all a big riddle that need to be solved ..
but when you reveal yourself , only then we shall talk ..?
Liked by: El-Remaily

tech is a word art is another mix the both and a woman is uncovered an oil painting made by a dutch also the anatomy lesson of Dr. nicolaes tulp. is that helpfull as much ?! ;)

Mona Lisa ? ?!
Liked by: El-Remaily

I breath under water and I'm not a fish. If you take my heart I still have two to live. friends are backbone and I have non. Do you know who am I if you think of purple plums? ;)

No, I don't know who you are when I think of purple plums ?
Liked by: ramasobuh OsaMa


Language: English