

Ask @MeganGriffin486

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H.O of parsnip man??

Irish ;), prankster, love,amazing, so lovely, hilarious, mawwd, great personality, wee legend, flirt,love to bits!

someone you hated was shrunk down to a body size of 1cm and some paid you 10million to swallow them alive and whole, would you?

No, because I'm not that cruel

You do slabber don't deny it. Everyone does because everyone for some reason feels the need to slabber! Don't deny what is obviously true it just makes you look stupid. No offense meant, it's just you do look stupid when you deny what everyone knows is the truth.

I know everyone slabbers, you probably do as well, what I'm saying is I haven't slabbered about anybody in a long while and don't u dare try and say u know I have because u don't know so stop it.

No sweetie, I don't have the balls to tell you. Whole point of being under anon! Just really needed to get it all off my chest. And I can tell you to STFU if I fucking want you started a rumour about me so now I hate you and will do whatever it takes to let you know! :P

Aww chick you need to grow a pair then don't you and learn to stick up for yourself and come off anon, not really working here because its not effecting me in the slightest, infact I'm laughing at the other end of this screen because your so pathetic :') and you can but it doesn't make any harder because your anon you have no power SWEETIE, hate me if you will because I don't like you either let me know then you don't realsie how much fucks I give towards you :'). Go for it huni try your best, I dare you

It isn't Taylor! :P So stfu! You started a rumour about me for no fucking reason! And you weren't doing it to everyone huni

Don't tell me to stfu cunt what the fuck was the rumour then? And who was it? Do u have the balls to tell me HUNI

Not saying,wouldnt be horrible against jade

Pathetic can't even tell me the truth, what's the point in going onto my ask.fm and saying this shit

Huni, you started a rumour about me and I have never even spoke to you. You and Lauren started it, and I have never been bitchy towards you or Lauren. So fuck up. You do slabber about people and you start shit I don't know why you do it but you do. Stop denying it.

Hahahaha if this is taylor rainey then wise the fuck I was joking when I text u I was doing it to everyone and then u called me a slut so stfu dickhead

All you + lauren do is slabber about people together:') and youve completely ditched jade and all you do is use her in class:')

Omfg, we have been through this before, jade is always included she's are close friend don't even start u don't know shit you pathetic dick, we don't slabber about people acc we have normal conversations like everybody else, don't post things your not involved in piss off


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