

Ask @MeganGriffin486

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This is lauren, if you have a problem with mine+megans friendship, please say it to our faces, stop slabbering over ask.fm, obviosuly you don't have any balls to say it to her face, otherwise, please suck my big toe:) love you lots megan:)x x x

i love you so much my lil retard ;)xx

im also friends with Megan and she hasnt neglected me so stop saying complete bull cuz you clearly dont know anything

love you x

Can i just say im friends with megan and she hasn't neglected me so to whoever said that about her please fuck up:)))

i love you and thank you xx

H.o on lauren brooks;)hehee

lover her sosososososo much, my best friend, trust, couldnt live without, with you all the time, beautiful, hilarious, so much fun to be around, get along so well, always there for me, crazy, amazeballs, amazing personality x

youve neglected all your friends for Lauren, can't wait to see what happens when yous fall out:')

thats complete an utter bull, i have barely neglectd anyone, laurens my best friend and if you have a problem with that take it up with me face to face obvos im gonna be spending more time with her clearly doesnt mean im neglecting others and you'll be waiting a while chick because in the long time we have been best friends we have never had a fight and when we do we will laugh it off and make up because thats what best friends do


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