

Ask @MeganGriffin486

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You pulled someone and Dan pulled someone, at the same party, weird.

Not at all weird, we both have a right to do whatever we want

If you was at a party and 2 boys started fighting outside what would you do?

Yet again get out of their way unless I knew them

Really would you watch the fight then?

Yeah if I didn't know the, I wouldn't feel the need to get involved unless it got serious no I don't usually watch

Hi if you was at a party and you heard 2 boys you didn't know we're having a fight what would you do?

If I'm honest, I wouldn't just get the hell out of their way

I swear to god leave megan alone you pathetic cunts telling her to cut her throat shes an amazing girl and probably has more to live for than you pathetic keyboard warriors. Wise up and leave her alone

Sam Corbett
Thank you so much Sam

whoever was slabbering seriously has some mental condition, its sick what theyre saying to you, but its sweet because one day theyll have there come-upance the lowlife scumbags, chinup meg x

Thank you very much x
Liked by: Ross Meenagh

Maybe if you cut your throat it'll all go away that's what you told joseph and don't deny it cos I saw the messages

Well I just went through the messages chum and that was ever said so this is bullshit so I will deny this lies you are just maling up shit now me an joseph are friends now I forgave him dont bring up the past wise up an and stop telling lies, dont tell me to cut my throat either thats sinister and rancid
Liked by: Diana♥

Who ever the fuck is slabbering about my cousin Kerry is an absolute spas!:')just jealous cause shes a wee milfff hmmm;) ignore them megan!! Loveyous x

Chloe Ashe
love you chloe x

cunt below in only a jealous bastard because their mum is probably a fuck ugly reject who hasn't tasted alcohol since they were 16 (fifty years ago) and has been in bed since eight o'clock. DICKHEAD. your mum is fab, Kerry<33333

thank you

Mums probably a slut to eh? Could be hooking up with some guy now for all we know

my mother is married, dont you dare fucking judge my mother you dont know her what the hell is your fucking problem?

Would say awh boohoo crawl back to your mum but she is living a responsible adult life most likely out getting drunk in cafe coel cos she is so responsible with her children

Don't you ever fucking ever bring my mother Into this do you understand.
She is the most amazing g woman in this world she is the only one who is there for me my dad walked out he didn't give a shit she always cared for me and provided for me, my mum never gets the chance to get out and have a good time with her friends tonight she has and I'm happy for her she's a mother but she needs to have a life and time with her friends.
You are a low life little prick bringing her up, fucking disgusted.

Yes you have if you say you havnt you're in denial just get your head out if your arse and be megan again

Do you know what it is anon, don't fucking tell me to get my head out of my ass I know me clearer than anyone and I haven't changed anything about myself so get your head around that I don't care what you think if you want to say this shit why don't you grow a pair and pop up

You've changed so much now... You were a better and nicer person you were couple months before summer than what you are now

I haven't changed at all over summer so I don't understand how you would think that but whatever you are entitled to your own opinion


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