

Ask @Millierawrz

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Do you want to get the Apple Watch?

I had like the biggest argument with James on the way home so can people send me shit to take my mind off it

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Have a rant about anything you want - If you get this I follow you Ily :3

tw rape
Ok so i've been reading a hell of a lot of Attack On Titan fanfictions and there's a lot that have characters usually Levi, Eren or Jean rape the female character and it usually ends up with the female character enjoying it and been perfectly fine about everything and it's fucking me off so much.
Rape isn't romantic and portraying it as such is gross and massively disrespectful to victims of it. It's pissing me off because these people clearly have no understanding of what rape is. Fine if you want violence in your fanfics but FOR THE LOVE OF HEICHOU DO NOT ROMANTICIZE IT.

But I don't want to deactivate it tho

unfollow people who like my stuff then and stop sending me crap if you don't want to me appear on your ask
Liked by: georgina

You have appeared on my timeline but I don't follow you and I'm not being rude but I don't want to follow you, how do I take you off my page?

Deactivate your ask xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: georgina

Why are you so attached to Levi?

I had a nose bleed like the second he came on screen and it was so violent and I was laughing for ages because I was basically an anime perv and it was 100% a message from freckled Jesus that he is the one for me

The results of a recent survey show that 87% of single men would date someone more intellectual and more educated than they are. Why do you think the other 13% are against dating individuals who are intellectually superior to them?

I've noticed that men tend to get quite butthurt if they're with a girl who is cleverer than them or just more successful than them.
Liked by: DraconicBlaze Leen

I read the first chapter of your fanfic and it's brilliant but I really think it should be a romance with Jean. It seems Levi is only after your looks and it just seems tacky

I'm actually considering doing a separate one to do with Jean because he's such a great character and I love him to bits tbh but I want him as the best friend in this purely because of what's going to happen next.
The story has a lot to do with Marco and his death and Levi is a bit of a douchebag anyway but I wanted to make him like that then he gets all romantic as the story goes on.
This fanfic is going to be really long, I got sick of reading ones where characters instantly had sex with Levi -.- I want romance ok. I'll probably put chapters 2 and 3 up on Saturday and i'll post a link on my ask so you can read them. I'm glad you enjoyed what you read :)


I don't think he knows that Levi is my one and only true love :/
Also this guy is pretty gross looking and look what a cutie Eren is
Liked by: DraconicBlaze

post a bit of that fanfiction you wrote

as a laugh me and my cousin made accounts on this thing called vampirefreaks and straight away we have boys messaging us like "Hey sexy, wanna skype? ;)))" and i'm laughing so much
white boys are so sad omf


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