
Almas Shah

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Latest answers from Almas Shah

If he says you that you are a special friend of him .,,and still always gives you late replies ,never text you first ,never ask you how are you ..what should you do ??plz tell

Late replies he must be busy that's why maybe and other questions may relate to it... Even I the same person who never text first it's not like I don't like to talk with them or anything like that... And Because of some says I am Rude... But truly I am not... It's not like I am busy or something but still I don't text first... I don't know why I don't text first... some find it rude, ego, busy with new people and other things...

What should be the priority of a teenage girl - i) studies ii) love iii) to become popular in school/college iv) beauty Plz rank them

Everything together I guess... A girl not only girls but everyone boy, girl and other should know what their priority are... Some have family, some may have studies career dreams... Love, money, or popularity... It's depends on what you want your first priority as... As some may have love as there first... But other may have career... But in the end only wish to things we gave time attention importance should bring something good to us or good with us... Keep whatever priorities you want to... But that priorities should be good to you...

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