ŋorhan El-Hussein مِيلآدي..~


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Yesterday is history
And tomorrow's a mystery
I can see you lookin' back at me
Keep your eyes on me
Keep your eyes on me
Morning ..~

Space 🌹

nemooo1234’s Profile PhotoDr.Mostafa abo alfotoh
Life is a big struggle. We are victims of our fickle desires. I struggle without seeing this as selfish. I still touch you , but I no longer feel you . I look at you, but I am no longer see you . I talk to you , but I am no longer communicate with you . I am with you , but I am no longer present with you . You lost me darling .It's your own fault . You think it’s the beginning of the end, when the truth is that it ended long ago . I am choosing myself over everything because I also need to feel whole again. ✋
- The 22th of January 2017 .


Dear ,
Hussein Abou Elmakarem Idris ❤
You are an immortal man . A real-life hero, come to help humanity. There are so many thoughts and emotions that my body can’t process everything that’s happening. I miss you dearly and I have moments of intense pain.
I remembered it all. ✋
" Is the doctor here ? "
" He died " .
" I just want to ask him for something ."
" He passed away "
" What ! He died ! When ?!"
" six months ago " .
" I am sorry . I am really sorry . Are you his daughter ? "
" Yes "
" I am sorry . Forgive me " .
He walked away with shock and disappointed from this world . Nodding his head with refusal for this mere fact , he lost his FATHER too. He tried not to blame it on himself because let’s face it, you never want to put the blame on yourself. GOD with us who can be against us . ✋
- The 22 the of January 2017 .
8:15 PM

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‏٢٢ ينـايـر ٢٠١٩.
‏كَم هي هائلة تلك الشجاعة التي يتطلبها النهوض من السرير كُل صَباح لِمواجهة الأشياء نفسها مِراراً و تكراراً.


There are days when you unwillingly cross my mind more than usual. I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking . I make a cup of tea and I went out to my balcony ; to breath some fresh air and renew my soul .
The sky was clear and full of stares and clouds, but the moon was not there . The moonbeams was streaming through my balcony door, right through my eyeballs . I was staring at this huge universe . Smelling , hearing and even touch every single atom of this universe . I could easily smell the smoke of this burning . I believed more in my ability and my power in controlling things . I feel a ghost around me . My little ghost . Mm... You’re confusing, tricky and don’t know what you want. We all deserve the truth, even when it’s not what we want to hear. By dancing , I am over all the things on my life . In the darkest hour, you'll lift me to the shivery light. We dance together and laughing . The thought that we have mental illness , but they never know the truth and will never know it .
-The 20the of January 2017.
2:58 A.M .
#morning ❤

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عندما تعتقد أن كل شيء قد انتهى، فإن الله يخلق لك طريقًا لتبدأ من جديد.
When you think that everything is over, God creates a way for you to start again.


How can you control my State of happiness and sadness . How could you fill all these spaces in my soul . How could you be the subject in my own community. Sensing a loss of control in any situation like can be terrifying.I am as sure of my feelings as much as you are of yours. I want to end this now. As soon as possible. So we can move on and go back to the way you were before we met to reach the tranquility state together. I’ve learned a lot from you, and from the times we spent together, and apart. I’ve learned what I want and do not want in a relationship. I’ve learned what to do and not to do in particular phases in a relationship. I’ve learned that taking the time to talk will always be your greatest friend in making a relationship work.We do not want the same things anymore. The person I am now is different from the one I was before. Yes , things changes and we move forward . I am not that patient darling . I have a dark spot when things reaches its climax , I can make all the tables turn.
To be honest, these past few weeks have been difficult, and exhausting, and painful. But I can just imagine how everything gonna be alright as you just beside me . Don't test my patient and my ability for love something or someone whatever . If you catch me from my hand to make me under your control , seriously I gonna cut off my hand and throw it for you . Exactly darling , I am not a second choice . I got all the powers in my hand to control every atom of this world . Am I clear my darling ? ❤
The 14th of January 2017 .

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كل حرب تخوضها تخسر جزء أصيل منك حتى وإن أنتصرت في النهاية، فكرة خوضك لمعركة وأنت منهك تمامًا، هزيمة أيضًا .

Space 🦋❤️

ربِّ إني مُقبل على أمورٍ تحتاجُ توفيقك وتسهيلك فـ يا رب أنزل على أيامي القادمة توفيقك ورضاك , ويسّر لي أموري وحقق لي المُنتظر يا كريم 💛

Space 🦋

بقدر دايمًا الناس اللي فاهمة إن أساس اي علاقة هو التقبل مش التحمل ،
أعظم حاجة انك تلاقي اللي متقبلك في المُجمل متقبل مثلًا فكرة ان كلامك قليل او إنك عندك حجات مخبيها ومساحة شخصيه بيتقبل هدوئك مش بيتحمل صمتك بيتقبل تصرفاتك بدون ما يحسسك انك حمل عليه . دايمًا "التقبل" شيء دائم لكن "التحمل" بيستنزف طاقة وهيجي يوم ويخلص..


I don't know how tomorrow will be, I'm completly ignorant of what feeling I will wake up with, which hands will flip mine all of a sudden, who will stick to my journey and which strangers will turn into the closests, what coincidence will brighten my day and which will revive an old scar, what pain will squeeze my heart and how happiness will knock my senses, which choices I shall regret and which will make me proud, which goodbyes will break me and which hello's will change my life, what dreams will turn into reality, and which ones will remain always an unreached mirage, I know nothing, but I deeply know any of it is a drawn step to my journey to healing, and my roadtrip to growth.
Yasmine Lasheen.

تَرافةُ حَرفْ :

"اللهم اغفر لقلبي إن يأس، ولساني إن سخط، ونفسي ان ضاقت، اللهُم إغفر لضعفي، وقلة صبري يارب، اللهُم بدّل أقداري إلى أجملها، فإنك القادر الذي لا يعجزه شيء، يارب بِك وحدك تطيب الخواطر، ومن عِندك وحدك تتحقق الأمنيات، يارب إستودعتك أموراً في خاطري فحققها لي."
"Oh God, forgive my heart for despair, and my tongue if discontent, and my soul if distressed, O God, forgive my weakness, and the lack of my patience, O Lord, O God, change my destiny to the most beautiful, for you are the one who is unable to do anything, O Lord by you alone, the goodness of the thoughts, and from you alone you fulfill the wishes, O Lord, I entrust you Things are on my mind, and they were fulfilled by me. "

🖌 :

" وماذا بعد ؟!
لا أنت حزين لا أنت مكتئب ، لكنك لست بخير ! أنت من الأساس لا تحب الحزن وترفض كل أشكال الأكتئاب ، لكنك هذة المرة حقًا تعاني ، يوم أخر أنتهى لا يختلف كثيرًا عن الأمس وبالتأكيد لن يختلف كثيرًا عن الغد ، ومع ذلك ما زلت تنتظر وشعور إنك لا تعرف ما تنتظره لكنك تنتظره يواصل النهش في قلبك بلا رحمة ، الغربة لا ترحم وأشد أنواع الغربة أن تشعر بها وأنت وسط الرفاق ، هي مسألة لا تتعلق بالحب او الرفض ، لكنك لم تعد تشعر بالونس في وجودهم ، رغبة الهروب تزداد وتدريجيًا أصبحت لا تفكر الا في الخروج من هذا النفق المظلم ؛ في الهروب من كل شيء فقط الهروب ، أين أنت ؟! لا تستطيع فهم ما يدور بداخلك ، الكتابات لم تعد تعجبك وكأنك فقدت القدرة على القراءة ، وأغنيتك المفضلة تسمعها للمرة العاشرة دون ان يهتز قلبك لها ، الوجوة متشابهة وكل الكلمات مكررة بشكل بارد ، هذا فنجان القهوة الخامس لقد برد حتى أصبح كـ القهوة المثلجة ، ما الذي يسرق عقلك لهذا الحد ! أنت شارد بطريقة مريبة ، نحو اللا شيء ! اللا شيء ! نومك مضطرب تستيقظ كما لو إنك تركض خلف غزال كل يوم ، والخوف يأكل قلبك ، كل يوم تتحلى بالشجاعة تتعثر بالذكريات والمواقف القديمة فـ تعود لغرفتك باكيًا، شعور لا يفارقك أنت أصغر من كل هذة الأضطرابات وأكبر من أن تبكي منها ، مواقع التواصل الأجتماعي تنشر مواضيع مكررة معتادة، وهاتفك يعرف إنك تمسكه بلا هوية ، كم الرسائل على قائمة الأنتظار تحتاج لطاقة لا تملكها ، والسقف والجدران يصرخان من صمتك ، ثم يأتي السؤال الذي تعجز عن إيجاد رد مناسب له " كيف حالك ؟!! "

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And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in.
Jane Austen


Promise me something..
-" I'll love you forever "
No, not that.
Promise me you'll understand my little insecurities, my doubts, my reasonless fears.
Promise you'll get it when I want to push everyone away.
Promise me that even when we fight, you still believe I'm a good person.
Maybe I need someone who knows me too well and still choose to love me.. Rather than someone who loves me because they don't know everything.


Promise me to be with me in hard times because you are the source of power to me. Promise me that you will not get bored of my insecurities and fears. Promise me to be the shelter when I need it. Promise me to bear me when I'm so stubborn. Promise me to bear me when I'm out of my mind and that you will still believe that I love you. Promise me that whatever happens between us we'll never be separated. Promise me that I will always be your comfortable zone, secret keeper and the place you hide in from the world's cruelties. Promise me if I did something wrong, you'll talk to me. And Finally, I promise I'll keep these promises too❤


Ding Dang Dong ... Ding Dang Dong ... 🎶🎄
Music are around us celebrating the coming of a NEW Year . Repeat Evey little harmony with the bell . Ding Dang Dong . Try to feel tranquility and peace. Forgive and forget Evey thing that belong to the past , try to start a new phase full of tolerance. Get rid of Evey and any complex and exhausted things, people , memory whatever makes you feel lost or tension or any atom of negative feeling that crash you into pieces . No one has the right to put a label on you. Be your own hero. Vanish them all from your life to take your breath and start again .Trust the universe a little more this year. Believe that everything will eventually change . Try to reach the introspection stage. Convince yourself by the famous phrase " New year , new ME " .
Seriously I hate the NEW year with all that noise . Sometimes It means a new beginning to me . Sometimes It meas chaos to me. As recently I lost a lot of people who were the sunshine on my life .Believe it or not . I don't ever care .
I am trying to remember my strength and my ability to keep things going even when it is to hard . Even when I have been Suffocate with my pain trying to weep and it caged in my heart . Don't test my patient . I am colder than you can afford , and as a fire that burns everything in a moment of disintegration .Make a revolution against them all , stop being silent and hesitant to make decisions.NO ONE DESERVE one tear from your eyes . Don't blame someone for anything they Exactly know what they do .Let us all resolve to live; to be as happy as we can be; to do as much as we can with what we have, to endure what we must, and to enjoy this gift that we have been given. In 2017, let us all resolve to live.
Happy New ME .❤
The 31th of December 2016 .
11:06 A.M

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Language: English