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Who is the most creative person you know? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
My grandfather was. We actually had very similar spirits. Unfortunately, he passed away when I was 13 from cancer. He loved writing poetry, drawing, and made wood carved art pieces. He and my grandmother loved one another very much. I still remember his large rumbling laughter and his voice when he would sing “I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again,” all throughout the house. He spent a lot of time creating a beautiful garden, where we’d spend mornings and evenings. He had an overprodutive pecan tree and I developed a fondness for those and roasted pine nuts, which he always bought when we’d visit. He was silly. He could always make us laugh. He loved to cook, too. To him, a meal brought the family together. I hate the way he had to go, but I was grateful we all got to say goodbye.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k9sf7C7D3nk&pp=ygU-aSdtIGxlYXZpbmcgb24gYSBqZXQgcGxhbmUgZG9uJ3Qga25vdyB3aGVuIGknbGwgYmUgYmFjayBhZ2FpbiA%3Dtristanandiseult3’s Video 173491146009 k9sf7C7D3nktristanandiseult3’s Video 173491146009 k9sf7C7D3nk

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tristanandiseult3’s Video 173491146009 k9sf7C7D3nktristanandiseult3’s Video 173491146009 k9sf7C7D3nk

When you are too exhauseted to care after giving so much, how do you handle the emptiness?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
emptiness feels so heavy, So you must face it by appreciating yourself, giving yourself a lot and loving yourself. When you love yourself you'll begin to fill the emptiness with your preferences whether movies, reading, drawing, poetry, or writing..

Do you guys write email/letter to your future self?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
No, I'd rather not want to carry my current traumas and toxicity in the future.
Writing a letter will (somehow) ensure that I don't let go of what I used to be during these days - and unfortunately, it's something that I'm not exactly proud of.
Liked by: Micro. Sarmad hudیٰ

When did you last completely fulfilled by something in your life? (Can be anything). If you wish to share, what made you feel that way? 😌

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Yesterday, after I got really into the zone with my writing and managed to put crank out almost two-thousand words over the course of an afternoon. And I know that might not sound like much, but after having been in something of a creative rut for the better part of this past year and fearing that I'd fallen out of love with creative writing entirely-- I'm quite proud of those two thousand words.

What's something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I will stay up all night painting or writing. I love both so much. When I’m inspired, I can’t sleep til it’s out. I also tend to get addicted to certain books and I’ll stay up all night reading. I dislike myself very much the next day though 😅… this girl needs her sleep.
Whats something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do

شو تسوون يوم يكون في كلام ثقيل في صدوركم لكن ما ترومون تطلعونه ل حد؟

szq__’s Profile PhotoQubaisi~
umm ive got a private twitter account where ion follow anyone and no one follows me & I just vent everything there (words, anger, feelings ) It rly helps me feel better 🤭 I recommend writing b9ra7a its a great way to let things out u rly gotta try it cuz sometimes nobody gets u but u & unlike others who might judge U, u WON’T 🤭

Is there someplace other than Ask.fm we may admire your writing? ☺️

pc300394’s Profile PhotoApple Juice Salad
There is! Though I must warn you in advance, if you're hoping for long-form prose similar to my askfm responses, you might be a little disappointed. But if poetry interests you at all, I do have a public Instagram profile where I post my poetry.
I don't update it very often. It functions as more of an archive these days, since a lot of my more recent work I've chosen to withhold from the public... For now, at least. But it's there, if you wanna check it out! 😊

Tell me something you love. May it be something you love to do... or a hobby.. a person.. thing. Something you love.

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
I like being able to express myself without being in the spotlight and while being creative as well which is probably why I loved creative writing and ceramics back when I was in high school. I also love swimming and volleyball even tho I’ve never been a part of the swimming or volleyball team at the school I went to. I try not to get too attached to or love someone because you never know when your connection with them could come to an end and I don’t want to feel devastated when that day comes. I don’t spent much time in the kitchen or cook in general but when I’m craving certain foods/desserts, I make them and love being able to prove to myself that I can bake when I want to.

"Looks don't matter, it's what you do that counts." --_--Remember, cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly.

i’m start from far away:
in our time love not everything.
( i’m talking about the love that is between man and woman )
a person girl or guy …
is enveloping… and enjoying himself…
he/she spends an interesting time… works… crests something
and he/ she comfortable with him/herself…
this is a fact…
not exist anymore
you must … date
be in relationships and and and
maybe there are still places where is cotton wool in the head
and the other mindset is old…
but mostly it’s like this
when it’s time for love …and
when you in love …
love is everything… !!!!
and it’s about beautiful actions !
it’s about beautiful spend time together… enjoying the life together
and… and …and…!and
everyone different have own visions of love and
i feel and think only like this…!
and your timing… it’s so
i don’t like … and don’t agree…
it’s sounds like a reproach…
i don’t like reproaches
but all women is different…
and you are like that…
everyone has their own vision…
and i wish
you found not handsome but your type man…who will make everything how you want…!
and i think
that beautiful men must be with beautiful girls! only!
but it’s my vision … everyone is different !
because from your question
i see you probably not beautiful …
when person really beautiful.
from birth
im not about that beauty which money give… or … or… or…
beauty from birth plus money it’s absolutely beauty!
it’s another
and i’m from birth so beautiful..
and for me important beauty and i
i want everything!
for me man must be absolutely handsome… tall …beautiful body …and and …and
inside and out…
you right in one moment … anon…about actions…
and i always “looks “ what man do
what he do about me…
because language of men is actions.!
doesn’t mean he is celebrity
all about actions only…!
and in me … thoughts …
without actions it’s about what…?!
it’s how …?!
you used to me writing i feel everything
and it will be so so so
yes i feel… but it’s doesn’t mean… that …
it’s even about more actions…
o, you feel Ines
i will do it with you
even more beautiful that you feel
and from man which i love and want…actions
it’s not for all.!i’ve never even thought otherwise
handsome … rich …golden childs sometimes famous
usually attacked me with such beautiful actions …it was me ….who blocked them…
who knows me know…!
and right now i answer on your message and think … hmm…
why i should write about..?!
what man must …want …do he do …and will…
without any words
need only my permission
in form …that i want it…
he must feel … ask… write … do
no one will not remember you because
you was thinking …
bla… bla… bla…
always need “to do” ask’ talk’
but look absolutely important too… for me.
and everything should happen
not only in mind heart or in body
everything must happen
in life.
i not created for
my man show himself with another woman
but inside everyone understand
he loves only me his Ines!
i was made … born for
my man must show me to the world with him!
only for that!

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What's something that shouldn't be judged in any way? (Use this to rant about something or bring awareness to something.)

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I just finished reading book written by woman spending 20 years as an employee of ambassy gradually in SA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Jemen, Sudan, Oman and Libya. She was writing about life of women there. 😱 I dont judge, I just feel happy that I was born in the Europe in my time 🤷‍♀️😅👍

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
My feelings on school have always been quite complicated. I absolutely love to learn. I'm a curious person by nature and I love discovering new things.
However, I'm also on the autism spectrum and I have ADHD. So school proved challenging at times. There's a lot of stories that I could tell but to sum it up briefly: I often struggled to concentrate due to how overwhelming the classroom could be. I also had some social issues which led to bullying, which also impacted my ability to focus on my schoolwork.
College/university was a much better experience. Although I did have to drop out of university the first time I went, due to some stuff that was happening in my personal life. I did end up going back, however, a couple of years ago. I'm about to enter my final year in September and I've really enjoyed the experience so far.
Of course, it helps that I'm studying something I'm deeply passionate about-- Literature and creative writing.

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What helps to calm your mind when all else is chaotic?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I then occupy myself with my hobbies: singing, drawing, writing, and playing games. It's a good distraction.
Or going out for a walk. Especially a walk by the ocean is very soothing for me.

After wasting my time on study psychology. I just realized that i like biology. But idk what to do with my life anymore. should i study veterinarian since i like animal? Or should i be a doctor like my dad told me to be? Welpp

After photography I did hair school after I did childcare I did social work and home remodeling and furniture , then decided to go to real estate school the decided to do notary school and contract law , leadership and speaking , writing , …. Anything you obtained threw acquiring knowledge is beneficial do 20 different things always have different ways to earn or be a asset
Liked by: Basit Tal Metanoia

Likes and dislikes lol?

I enjoy a great many things, far too many to list in a single answer as a matter of fact. But of the top of my head, some of my favourite things include: Writing, baking, road trips, live music, the little “mrrrp?” noise my cat makes when I call his name, the smell after it rains, that feeling when you get so engrossed in a good book that you lose track of time, finding something beautiful in a place you wouldn’t expect to, and pineapple on pizza.
The list of things I dislike, meanwhile, is considerably shorter. Love tends to come more naturally to me than hatred. Some of the things I don't particularly care for are as follows: Writers' block, any loud or crowded environment that isn't a concert or a gig, people who write annotations in the margins of library books (rude!), baby carrots (don't ask me why but they freak me out), buzzing insects (they also freak me out), and AI "art".

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If you were to live life as a mythological creature, which would you choose? Why? 🐉🧚🧜‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I think I would be Arachne, the Spider-woman. When she insulted Athena’s pride for her beautiful weaving, Athena turned her into a spider-creature to weave webs for all eternity. I chose this because I love writing. In the past, I have been asked about my process when writing. To me, it’s like spinning a beautiful web, so I would happily spin beauty for the rest of eternity, even as a mythical creature.
If you were to live life as a mythological creature which would you choose Why

Half of 2024 is nearly over..have you done all wanted to do this year or what plans for end of the year do you have coming up ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Well, next week I'm going to visit @DovahMonah, then I'm taking my partner on a tour of my favourite places in the north east. We're going on a day trip to the coast for a friend's birthday after that, then we have a friend visiting from up north so he can come to a 2 day festival our friends are putting on. Then housesitting for my family, some other birthdays, and my partner's bands have some more gigs. And somewhere in all that I intend to write some more (and I'm waiting to find out by the end of this week if my novel has got through the first stage of a writing competition).
So... Just a few things going on 😅

What's something you've wanted to do but haven't yet? 🧗🗺️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Publish a poetry book. So far I've had my writing published in zines and I have shared work online, but it has always been a goal of mine to release a physical book. As for the question of why I haven't just yet... Well, the simple answer is that I don't feel ready. Not right now. There's still a lot of room for improvement in my writing.

Tell me something you love. May it be something you love to do... or a hobby.. a person.. thing. Something you love.

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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┃ ᴀ ʜᴏʙʙʏ ┃ –
singing · writing · drawing · gaming · reading · talking to my close ones
┃ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ┃ –
my fiance · my best friend · my moms (both my and my fiancé's mom)
┃ ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ┃ –
my pc · books and manga · my smartphone · art & music · the universe · everything that sparkles and glitters

Do you engage in journaling, and how does it affect your mental health?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I used to do journaling a lot as for now I don't write regularly still, but I make sure to write the most important events, when I open any of those and read; I understand how much I have changed, for the better. I appreciate the low times I have been through for that is what made me who I am. And of course — there are times when I think that given an opportunity; I had done a few things a little differently. I surely learn from writing in my diary that to allow my problems to solve themselves by waiting for my subconscious to work through items to seek answers outside my thoughts; to observe. And am glad it helped me better. 🌻

What are you thinking of atm?🌚

o6ogold’s Profile PhotoAdil
A human once sat under a tree,
the shade comforted, the air was free,
an open heart, hence found its chance,
tears came rolling down that glance.
"Your kind does not hurt or betray,
they neither gossip nor ghost away,
you don't migrate from land to land,
you don't have to separate from your sand,
you know us humans, big crowns we own,
of creation, devastation, death, and doom."
The tree kept listening, the voice went faint,
the trunk was wet like spilled oil paint,
the faintsome cries then silenced down,
the night came over with its dark gown.
The morning sun saw a dead old tree,
hugged by a human's life tragedy.
(Yes, trees also have tragic lives, but my subject of writing was a human)

What is the best way to learn english? like I understand english but when it comes to writing and speaking it my mind forgets to give response. What should i do

It may sound too cliche but read books and watch series. Start by speaking small sentences in your daily conversations and it is okay if you're not speaking it taizi sey. You will get better. And be confident it's not like that English is our first language and the world will not end even if you are not perfect at it.
Liked by: Raza Khan حفصہ۔

there are millions of smiles, but yours is my favorite. ❤️

waleedelsayed20’s Profile PhotoWaleed Elsayed
🤣🤣🤣🤣 My my my! What flattery! Did you send this to every girl on Ask? 🤣🤣 Careful friend! Where do you find these compliments? Surely you’re writing a book. Have you heard this quote? You can add it in there. 😉 “Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you.” ~Peace Pilgrim~
there are millions of smiles but yours is my favorite

If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

VexingRoses’s Profile PhotoVex
Dear Thirteen
I hope you get this and I hope it finds you well
See, I’m writing you this letter for I have so much to tell
It’s words - I hope - of wisdom, of insight and advice
Some lessons that I pray will help you navigate through life
The first is - life gets easier and then gets hard again
But persevere because I know it works out in the end
You’re going to lose some people and it’s natural that you’ll grieve
But you’re going to make your peace with those who choose to up and leave
There’ll be times when you’re in love and they’re not meant to last forever
But don’t worry, for the future’s saving someone even better
Try your best at school but do not give up on your dreams -
It’s never too late to be what you’ve always wanted to be
You’re going to hurt some people - you don’t get to say you’ve not
But you’ll get to say you’re sorry and you’ll get to right your wrongs
They’ll be times when others hurt you, when you’re lied to and betrayed
But I promise you’ll get stronger and the hurt will slowly fade
So many things will happen that will test your strength of mind
But you’ll learn through all of it that it takes nothing to be kind
And there’s someone more important than most everybody else
Who deserves your love and kindness - and that person is yourself
See, your life will all make so much sense as soon as you can learn
To forgive and to embrace yourself and recognise your worth
And how is it I know all this of life and loss and love?
Well, I’ve lived your years and many more -
I’m you
Just all grown up ❤️

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If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice what would it

What's your favorite time of day? ☀️🌙

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Night time. 🌚
For real, I’m not a morning person. I love staying up late writing, gaming, watching Youtube/Twitch, etc. I also feel like it’s my decompression time, where I can truly just relax. During the day, I’m often worrying about a variety of things that are going on, but at night, it’s just calm and peaceful. 😌
Whats your favorite time of day

lubicie pisac z kimś w innym języku?

PL: Owszem, lubię pisać z @redoasis2017 oraz @ManWithout1plan po angielsku.
Kiedyś jeszcze była Anna z Ukrainy (rozmawiałyśmy po angielsku), ale już dość długo nie mam z nią kontaktu, a szkoda, miałyśmy dużo wspólnych ulubionych artystów i zespołów.
Fajnie by było znaleźć tu jeszcze kogoś, kto mówi po włosku, żebym mogła ćwiczyć język włoski w praktyce. XD
ENG: Yes, I like writing with @redoasis2017 and @ManWithout1plan in English.
There used to be Anna from Ukraine (we talked in English), but I haven't heard from her for a long time, sadly, we had many favorite artists and bands in common.
It would be nice to find someone else here who speaks Italian so so I could practice Italian. 🤣

What's the most uncomfortable situation you've ever found yourself in?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
When I was sitting in my creative writing class and knew that I had to speak up in class for my grade so I was stressing out the entire time I was seated in my seat (even when I knew it wasn’t my turn to speak yet and the fact that stressing out wasn’t going to change anything). My face was heating up and I couldn’t calm myself down until it was time to leave. There were other times when I actually did speak up in front of the class but I didn’t even feel like I was physically present during those times due to wanting to escape so badly but being unable to do so.

do you think it's cheesy when couples declare their love on social media all the time? some of them are living in the same house too. like you're sitting next to that person in bed writing on instagram about how much you love them. it's giving junior high. it's giving my partner and I dont talk

I think it’s another way to show your love for one another. I don’t find it cheesy at all. In fact, I think it’s incredibly romantic that individuals want to keep the romance alive in other unique ways. That’s just my opinion though.

Gue mau survei aja, ya tapi kalau ini privacy, skip aja. Apakah pernah diarymu diketahui oleh salah satu orang tua kamu lalu ortu kamu ngatain kamu "stress dan bisa gila" karna lebih pilih mendem dan milih mikirin sesuatu secara berliku-liku daripada secara simple?

I don't write a diary. You can use a diary or journal app. I think it's safer and other people can't find it easily.
Anyway, keep writing either a diary or journal if u feel it helps u express feelings and thoughts, reduce stress, improve self-awareness and psychological well-being.

You complete me do I have to tell you again and again?

It looks like you are broken or your girlfriend left u so u come here writing these messages to girls randomly.
May Allah help you. Being broken is hard 💔 😪
Liked by: Ayesha0a Zaid Wali

If you were to write a letter to anyone anonymously right now, what type of letter would it be? (Examples: romantic, apology, venting, gossiping, joking, questioning, etc).

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello, Marie Curiosity 👋
It probably depends on who I'm writing this letter to. To friends - as a joke, to girlfriends - romantically, to colleagues - with good luck (I'm on vacation now, and it's not sweet for them right now), to some people from the past I would write a question (in fact, I want to ask some how they are doing, but unfortunately (and maybe fortunately), we haven't talked for a long time)), and I have no one to pour out my soul, and there's no need. Let's just say I have the courage to deal with moral issues on my own 😌😌😌
If you were to write a letter to anyone anonymously right now what type of

What genres of books do you like to read (or listen to if you prefer audio books)?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
I generally go by author rather than genre (i'm kinda picky lol) but generally thriller, horror, psychological. I don't mind romance depending on who's writing it. Psychological thrillers have really been my thing lately.

What do you do to stay alert and motivated during an intense work / study day? 🔋

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I usually don’t have good studying habits but, when I am interested in learning more about a particular field or content, I am able to sit down and spend at least half an hour studying. I usually need my own space and no distractions so libraries are nice for that reason and taking breaks to read and/or listen to music make the study session more bearable for me. The thought that I could do amazing things in the future with the knowledge that I gain after studying (one of them being getting a good grade in the particular class that I’m studying for) keeps me going. It’s probably why I was interested in creative writing as well as human anatomy when I was in high school, knowing that I’d most likely major in a writing related field or a medical field instead.

What type of a person are you ???

rafayarslan12’s Profile Photoرافع قریشی
– Not very easy-going,
– Oblivious to whatever is going on around me most of the time,
– Curious,
– Loud,
– Smiles plenty when met with attention, respect, and good humour,
– A little decent at sketching and writing poetry,
– I talk a lot about my friends, serial killers, mom, and lame jokes,
– I deadpan quite a lot, and
– I am silent at first, but once I dig the vibe, I cannot shut up.

How would you describe your ideal work space? 💻🗃️🔧

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Since I used to dream of singing in a restaurant or a small pub, it would most likely be a small stage in a pub.
Apart from vocals and piano, I see myself in very few places. Perhaps I would have studied writing and become a poet, if music had not worked out at all.
How would you describe your ideal work space

Name any one of your toxic teacher in school/College ☠️

nimrkive5’s Profile PhotoFindingnemo
They weren't toxic. Their behaviour was toxic. They wouldn't let me write on my own and wouldn't encourage me to improve my writing skills and that really made me hate school. I feel that it wasn’t their fault either, I didn't write so well, and maybe they too were facing tough times, like the administration wanted them to produce good results in board exams, they couldn't produce writers, artists and thinkers at such a time. So even if their behaviour was toxic, I still love them. I went to school for a visit in 2022 and I hugged that one teacher who usually scolded me for writing in my own words. I needed that hug, and maybe she did too.

Language: English