
Ask @N4T4LI3K0H

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You school can dye hair de meh??Or you dye your hair during school holiday?

yeah, like everyone in my school has rly cool hair. shaved, bleached, red, blue, purple, orange. mmhm we're cool af.
Liked by: brenegg

Have u gotten drunk before then?

Nope. the furthest i went was being diZzy like i didnt wna walk bc i would just feel like falling and sleeping on d floor and like burning in my chest & stomach & err i'll be shaking alittle and i'll just feel like lying in bed. idk but i dont think i was drunk bc i remembered clearly what happened & i didnt get any hangovers so..

Wat type alchohol u try b4?

Carlsberg beer ((idk how its spelt))
tiger beer
some abc or smth beer
apple cider ((waht))
err some vvvv bitter beer idk what.
i dont rly know like what is what so i just said all the ones i've drinked.
Liked by: KaiLin yujie carissa

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Why you colour your hair?

Because i dont rly like my black hair & i think my brown&red hair suits me + i like my hair rn. so dont tell me things like "oh natural is best". nope.
Liked by: Jc Zaii

what about a novemeber guy would u date him?

err if we're born in the same year its fine. rly depends on what the person is like :-))

how u noe carissa?

i saw her photo of her belly piercing like vv long ago & i was rly like amazed i guess. so i commented & like she told me she was 13. & i guess thats how we met. now we're like mega best friends as what she said even though we've never met but i wouldnt exchange her for anyone eles ✨
Liked by: KaiLin carissa

what do you do wen u wake up?

check my whatsapp bc i end off my night by saying goodnight to everyone & i check their replies the next morning.

how mny piercing u hv?

1 on each ear. gona get my second piercing when i get back from tw. hopefully my 3rd in dec. maybe helix next year's june or w my 3rd.


Language: English