
Ask @N4T4LI3K0H

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I tot christian canot say vulgar

im done with this lol. its not a sin.
God created man & women not sinners but theyre all loved equally. Wait actually i think its a sin but just let me continue lol. It doesnt please God to be saying all these vulgar & sinning. but at the end of the day, God still loves us no matter what or he wouldnt have died for us. Okay? okay. i occasionally blurt it out & i'm sorry for that but i was exposed to all these vulgar since primary school & im not perfect lol.
d o n e , not answering anyt eles relating to this.

jailbreak ur phone?

Changed phone bc my lcd broke & i still had warranty. they didnt know my
phone was once jailbroken so i changed it.

Ur hair nt even nice...

didnt ask for your opinion on it & what matters most is i like it. for 2 months, not expecting anything more.

Ideal type of guy?

idk man.
someone w a sense of humour, kindhearted & nice.
never really thought about this. so idk.

mind telling what's your size for clothes and shorts/skirts? :))

Tops is usually xxs or xs.
bottoms im not sure but should be xxs or xs also. :-)
Liked by: christiann

What would be the perfect guy for you?

there isnt a perfect person in this world. Like its a 1% chance you'll find your ideal type of guy/girl cause we have such high & yet many expectations for the one we're finding & not everyone meets all the expectations. you just have to accept the flaws & imperfections of the guy that you'll eventually fall in love with. im still 13, why are you asking this anyway.

I wish i was as close to amanda as you r :(

you can have her. HAHA SHE USES ME. :-(
she just wna come to my house everyday to like watch movies, on aircon, eat a shit ton of food & sleep on my bed.
Liked by: meow manduh

How do you know Amanda from SOTA? She seems really popular and fun to be with !

Church! :-)
yeah she's quite popular i guess, idk man but shes sure fun to be with hehe.
Liked by: meow manduh


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