
Ask @N4T4LI3K0H

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u cut ur hair? sorry last time i seen u was last yr so yea 😂

yeah, HAHAH dyeing hair is not good ah, plus i bleached half of my hair, so i cut it off.
Liked by: christiann

-but i hope that my notes has made a significant difference to your life in one way or another. its not much but its something i can do for you. to those who know who i am, please do not reveal me and for those whom my notes have helped, i just want to say i'm sorry if i finally decide to stop this.

its okay! 😋

Hi people.I'm the anon who sends notes in the morning. So, i have met problems and it caused me to contemplate whether to stop this or not. i started this out 3 weeks ago to do my small part to make your days better or cheer your days up, i honestly don't know for how many of you it actually helped-

hello!! hehehe can u unanon :'(

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we fall down at times so that we can learn to pick ourselves up and is all part and parcel of life. What defines us is how well we rise after falling and its not about being able to rise up again but its the process of going through hard work, sweat and blood that is worth it! stay strong and smile!

hehehe thanku!!! 😋

Isn't it Ironic? We ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones who ignore us, love the one thats that hurt us and hurt the one that loves us. Its fate that we bumped into a person in the 7 billion we know and even got to make a friend. Its fate that allowed us to meet so treasure you friends!😂😊

hahahaha thanku. 😋

Future plans?

um, my subj combi for sec 3 should be the basics, history & amath/d&t/art.
then i'll be taking law in poly or business if i cant get in law. & i'd most probably be going to australia to take my university and my dad says if i can get a stable job there, my whole family would migrate there. yeah, but i recently heard from a friend that its possible to take both my poly/jc and university together in australia, so if my dad wants to let me go australia to take my poly/jc & uni after i graduate from secondary school then i will. 😋

What's the wierdest thing you've found at a garage sale or thrift shop?

its weirdest not wiredest LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAH

life is like your car. we drive our own life so don't ever let anyone else steal your seat because you drive it towards what YOU want to do and what YOU need to do. always believe that at the end of the tunnel, there will be rainbow and a bright light waiting for us and it will blow our mind away!😉

thankyouuu. 😋


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