
Ask @N4T4LI3K0H

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What?? how yall lose wan is it they play rough or they have good players?

Just cause we won once, doesnt mean we would always win. Maybe luck was just on our side during the previous games. Playing rough is nothing because after all, its a game. & we chose to play it. They definitely have good players like ahmad, dominic, junnie & all.

the people you surround yourself with are your planets. Orbit wisely and make every choice properly. you constantly degrade yourself fighting for someone to reciprocate respect that they were never worthy of in the first place. you are your own diamond in the sky alright. Great day ahead!!!💜


I've told you a million times to be happy and all. but i want you to know that when all else fails, i'll still be here. whether its a bad day or something bad happened, feel free to answer In your questions and when i see them i'll definitely lend you a listening ear or something alright!Much love💜


What is more important - to be loved or to fall in love?

Both are equally as important. But there are consequences. Figure it out.
Liked by: Cheryl

XIEXIE GOD ITS FRIDAY ❤️ HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE 🙈 im gonna go fry a chicken again 😂 why? because i love chicken and im proud to say it 😛 any chicken fans here? 😙💟 anyway ily all so you all must stay positive ah 🎊 positive positive always be positive 🎎 ONE DAY LETS EAT CHICKEN 2GETHER 1 DAY MHM

be positive ♡
Liked by: Cheryl

How's your Fri?:)🎊 Sorry for not doing notes,I had probs with my acc, but it's Alrite now🙈Would like to say that wind blows all kinds of debris to us everyday🍂but we all have a string to keep us flying,🌾so you gotta not let the string snap, 🙅🏽👻and keep flying like the birds🐳be strong💪🏼aye?

Great thanks!
Liked by: livelovelaugh

you are amazing. you are gorg / sem. you are talented. you are faboolicious 🍭 and if someone tells you otherwise, go whack them with a stick hahaha cheyy 👽 so waddup guys how are yo results? if your results were shitty (like mine) it dosent really matter dont let your grades affect how gr8 you are

be positive ♡
Liked by: be positive ♡

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects there to be a brighter change. The realist is the one who gets down to adjust the sails to get things done! be that one realist for yourself do does the change for what you want to change alright! i hope you have a good day! much love!💜

Thankyou :)

👦Finn 🌸 bc youre a fav 👐👐 🔥Flame princess 💋 bc youre as hot as the sun 🍕 like when u went to sentosa 📱BMO 🙈 bc youre fab 24/7 👾Lumpy princess 👽 bc youre seqt 🌈Rainy Rainicorn 😂 bc your acc is legit prettier than my life 😱 💕🙊 talk to you soon hehe 👇 jy for streaming 😂

Ashley ☺️
Aww thanks!!! Hehehehe 😚❤️
Liked by: Ashley ☺️


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