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What is the school daily reporting time?

If there is morning lesson arranged in your timetable, it will start at 7.30am.
If there is no morning lesson, J1s will have to report to school (by tapping in) by 0825 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and by 0855 on Monday and Thursday.
Days that require you to report by 0825 will also have morning assembly and on Tuesday and Friday, morning assembly will be in school hall (attire: dress-down attire with uniform pants/skirt). Wednesday will be in parade square (attire: full school uniform).
Days that require you to report by 0855 will not have morning assembly and everyone has to report to their first lesson venues.

y'all are so nice and friendly ;U; i love this school lots already

Thank you! Have lots of fun with your peers and seniors OH YEAH! :)

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How often are break periods between lessons and how long are they usually?

Hi! This depends on your subject combination and your class. The breaks can be 30mins, 1h or 1.5h or longer, but don't worry cos there are study tables around the college for students to study during their breaks! :)

Hello to the student councilors maintaining this page as well as answering this qns!! I would like to say that this is a very very wonderful platform for prospective students and current students! Kudos to the NYJC student council! :D

Thank you, it's our pleasure! :)

Hello what's the information for orientation tomorrow? Thanks for answering!

Hello! Reporting time is 730am, to the school hall in half school uniform. Do bring along $15 for orientation pack, money for lunch, NRIC/student pass and water bottle. SEE YOU TOMORROW!

How do I apply for FAS? If I apply, do I still have to pay for the orientation pack and pe etc.?

You have to go General office and the GO staffs will advise you accordingly, and nope you don't have to pay for your orientation pack :)

what is 'half school uniform'?

Hi! Half school uniform means uniform pants and school pe shirt/school house shirt! :)

What do you mean by half school uniform? Do we wear school uniform pants then any t shirt that is related to our secondary school?

Yes that is correct :)
Liked by: Jordantyc

Has all sls called/sms every one of their members yet?

Hi! The orientation group leaders have finished trying to call all of their members, but there are a few that are uncontactable. If you have not been called, there will be a board displaying your orientation groups will be placed outside the hall! :) Here are the important information for tomorrow
Please report to NYJC hall @ 7.30am
Attire: Half school uniform
Please bring $15 for your orientation pack, lunch money, nric/student pass
If you wish to purchase our pe attire tomorrow, it's $10 for the shirt and $13.90 for the shorts
See you tomorrow :)

When will the sports CCA selections for the new J1s be held? Will it be during the orientation or after it? Thanks for the help!

It will be after! The respective sports cca members will inform you further for their trials :)

On which day of the orientation are we going to go out of school for games? :)

It will be on the 3rd day - 3rd Feb, Tuesday :)

What time will J1 orientation start on Friday?

Hi! It will start at 7.30am! We will call
/sms to inform you soon! :)

Are we operating on Thursday B timetable tomorrow?

Hi! Yes we are operating on Thursday B timetable tomorrow :)

Is there an annual NYJC pre a level mugging camp for 1 week?

There's no official mugging camp but there's night study program in NY ;)

Hi, what is the necessary document needed for leaving an hour earlier on Friday?

Hello! Parent letter/ medical certification has to be produced to leave earlier on Friday/ any other orientation days. However, if you are going other school to submit form to appeal, do inform your OGL before you take your leave! :)

Is it possible to DSA more than 1 cca?

Hello! Yup it is possible for certain CCAs. If the results are positive for both, you may choose either one as your CCA. However, there are cases whereby students take up more than 1 CCA :) but in order to keep these CCAs, teachers will be monitoring your academic results to judge if you are coping well :)

Hi, may i know if student council can be DSA-ed?? Thank you so much :)

Hello! Nope there isn't DSA for NYJC student council :)

Hi, what is the opening hours for the general office? :)

Hi! The opening hours for NYJC General office is Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm :)


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