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We seriously don't have to stay overnight for orientation from 2-5 Feb? What time are we dismissed then?

Yup! :) no staying overnight for orientation :) the latest end time will be 7pm!

When are the J1s supposed to choose their cca? Btw thanks for answering these questions. :)

The J1s will choose their CCAs around mid till end of February but CCA bazaar will be held on the 5th day of orientation~You are welcome! :)))

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Shouldnt u be preparing for your tests admin?A level > any other commitments

Yup admin should be studying too haha :) thanks for your concern :)) questions are answered during break times :)

Criteria for honor roll?

Hi! The cut-off point (rank points) for honor roll varies each year so it depends on your peers' performance too :)

Hi, is there any traits or experience that will put me in advantage in joining the council? You guys seem fun :)

Haha hello~ :) there won't be any advantage given any traits/ experience when you are applying for student council as your cca :) every applicant will have to go through a selection camp where everyone will be assessed based on certain criteria :) we will be following closely to a framework that our college focuses on :) it's known as the C.S.I. framework; Communicate effectively, Strategize well, Influence others positively. :)

when is the first exam for prospective j1s?I need to prepare alr

Hello! The first exam for J1s will be in May, also known as 'Block Test'! Great that you are enthusiastic about it :)) but don't get too stressed up about it ((: enjoy your 5days orientation first!

How big is the student council? Is it possible to join if one does not have leadership experience?

There are 41 of us in the 37th SC! Past leadership experience is not required. Don't worry, the leadership experience do not put you at a disadvantage. :)

Do the new J1s have to purchase the pe to wear during orientation since there are 5 days and only 2 orientation tees??

Yes! The J1s will be reporting in PE attire on Tuesday, 3rd February :)
Liked by: Mars One

Are CCAs compulsory? Apart from character building and looking nice on the testimonial , will it contribute to your final a level score? :)

While CCAs do not contribute to the rank point system, it is important to have one. A strong CCA record is necessary to get many scholarships and admissions into the more popular courses!
Furthermore, CCAs gives you a break from studying! It also helps you to make more friends!

Where can I get the Blue shirt you guys are always wearing :)

Are you referring to our PE shirt? It is sold in our bookshop!

:o orientation is so long? What will be done during the orientation period for J1s?

This year our theme is Novum Finium which means "New Boundaries" in Latin! We'll leave it to you to find out what we are gonna do when you join us for orientation! Hehe rest assured, it will be filled with fun! :)

Hi, will we be able to know which OG we are in on 29th already through our OGLs texting us? Or will we only know when we report to school on the 30th? (:

Our normal practice is that you would only know your OG on 30th when you report but you may try asking your OGL! See if they will drop you a hint hehe! :)

Will the new J1s have to engage in any vigorous activities like running or jumping? Will one be excused if he/she has a long-term leg injury if there are such activitues during games?

There may be some vigorous exercises involved! Do highlight your medical conditions to your OGLs! Also highlight to your OGL anytime you are feeling unwell during the activity! :)

So what are the dates for orientation?

Hello! :) The dates for orientation are:
30th Jan 2015
Monday - Thursday:
2nd Feb 2015 - 5th Feb 2015

When do we get to buy the pe attire?

Hi! Pe attire can be bought anytime at the bookshop when stocks are available! :)

May I ask if it is possible to have a make-up cca audition if I missed the previous one?

Hi! That depends on which cca you are going for :)

What is the duration of ny orientation? How many days?

Hello! NYJC orientation will last for 5 days and each day will be from morning to late afternoon/evening :)

May I ask is there anyone who DSA-ed to the symphonic band before?

Hello! :) yes there are people who have DSA-ed into the symphonic band before! :)

Is it possible to leave early for orientation?

Hello! :D
Orientation is part of the school curriculum, therefore a valid reason accompanied with a parent's letter is required for early dismissal! :)

Will JC students get to change their ezlink?

Hello! :) There is no change in the EZ-link from secondary school ! :)


Language: English