Ask @Oloni

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What do you define as dating? And when do you think it's appropriate to cut everyone off for that one person

Dating to me consistently scheduling some sort of activity with a love interest or someone you intend on getting to know better. You cut others off when you're ready to be exclusive.

My ex spoke to me really disrespectfully, called me stupid and all sorts but I think he has issues. Prior to that I said I'd help him find a better job than he has should I still keep my promise or is that stupid?

Why are you helping an ex who disrespected you? :S

What's your view on threesomes in a relationship and would you ever participate in one?

My is not for me to answer questions on my sex life. As for the first question i answer this in 100 Questions.

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Can physically cheating be compared to texting even though I think both are just as wrong?

Theyre both bad, but it's not the same at all. I mean sure you can compare it, but it all boils down to how YOU choose to handle it.

I recently found out that my friend's boyfriend has been inappropriately messaging a girl we know. I was going to message him personally to say he should stop it otherwise I'll tell my friend. But is it my place to say anything? (especially now that I know)

It's not your place to talk to him, the only thing you can/should do is tell your friend.

I went out with a guy and since then he called me 2days after that but hasn't called me since. He's not one for phone calls but been 5 days. Should I call him or does that make me seem too forward. He's done this before and I texted thinking there was something wrong but he said it was nothing

Call him!x

well done for what you're doing but are you Christian? Nigerian? maybe help these young ladies know that saving yourself for the one they marry is good

Thank you, but that's not what I promote. I'm just here to help guide to young women to make smarter & healthier decisions.

the one about my friend!x

You asked me a question about something you should stay out of. If she wants to go back, that's up to her not you.

You should make a private dating page only for people who genuinely want to find someone or reach out to someone they don't know how to without feeling pressured.

Ready in the works :-) along with my relationship coaching

I love my bf but i can see he loves me more. Would do everything for me & i mean everything. But i dont know how to love him back same way :(

Recipricate everything, but most importantly love at your own pace.

"Would you rather him f* a real vagina" well yeah tbh I wouldn't care, we're not together. The thing is we're both black and the sex toy is white-flesh and bright pink and it just looks so vulgar. I know it's definitely unfair but what I want to know is if it looks petty/clingy?

It looks petty. Let this one go.

The guy I'm seeing has an artificial vagina. We're not together and I don't try to control any part of his life but the thought of him using it makes me feel sick. BUT I have a dildo, so he says it's the same thing. I agree it is the same but still.. is it wrong for me to ask him to stop using it?

Yes it's wrong, those are his toys & it's perfectly natural just like you said, you have a dildo.. Don't be a hypocrite.

4. Am I being paro and should I just keep calm. I've only had sex/ intimate with one guy and after that he just stopped talking to me and I don't want that to happen again

You can't control what will happen, but what you should do here is not think about it too deeply. Keep yourself busy before you go crazy. Eventually you'll know what his intentions are.

3. Since the hotel thing I've notice him to become a bit more distant. He calls me every other day now and sometimes texts me but if I'm honest since the beginning he hasn't been one to reply instantly. I asked him why he hasn't called me in 2 days and he say ahh don't start..


2. Prior to this we used to go out and he never used to even ask for a hug yet alone a kiss. I was starting to get worried as to why we had been on 3/4 dates and we haven't even kissed. On the night we stayed at the hotel I asked him why he even asked me for a hug and he said he doesn't want 2 rush


1. Im talking to this guy, been out with him on a few dates. One time we went out to eat he got so drunk that we weren't able to get home so we decided to stay at a hotel near the restaurant. Long story short things got freaky but we never had sex..


i ended things on bad terms with this guy after we had an argument. i dont think we should be together because the timing isnt right and we both need to mature even though i feel like we're great for each other. i know deep down neither of us are ready for a r/ship but i'm scared i'm taking a risk a

Just answered your own dilemma

*] one thing I can say I've learnt about myself from this is I am fully capable of being loyal to someone even in their absence now matter how long. I embrace love now (won't be a victim tho) and I'm not afraid to tell someone the truth bout my feelings. I just need someone I can help grow that'll h

Hope you get that

For a girl who is 19 what is the highest acceptable age she can go for?

Whatever you feel comfortable with.

I've been with this guy for a year and he cheated on me whilst blackout drunk by kissing another girl. I chose to forgive him, but everyone is telling me it's a stupid decision and he will do it again. I hope he won't, but I can't forget it

No one else matters but you & him. If YOU can't forgive him, that is the only dilemma here, not the opinions of others. Talk to him about it & speak your mind, it could help.

Me n this guy have been involved but he said he's not ready for a relationship so we stopped talking properly. We' recently started speaking again just as 'friends' but he's sending me mixed messages n im finding it very frustrating. I dont wna cut him out of my life again but i dno how to be w/him

You catch the next bus & honestly? Move on! Your relationship can't be met in the middle. You both want two completely different things.

I was really into a guy for a while then we met up and things didn't go well but now I really miss him. My friends think I should be strong and stay away but I just want to talk to him again

It wouldn't hurt to talk, nor would it to move on also.

if there is baby boy lifestyle there has to be baby girl lifestyle and wat does it include

Please stop


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