

Ask @PaigeCompton835

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Your replies are so unoriginal. If you're gonna leave hate on his ask.fm for attention then at least have amusing comebacks to the hate you get instead of something my 6 year old cousin would say.

Fuck offffff no one cares

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Leave Ryan alone. It's like you just love to be called rude names yet you still go back. It's pathetic so stop while you're ahead.

Or what?

May I ask why you still keep bothering Ryan? Because his opinion obviously will not change on you.

I don't care to be honest

You're not fat at all, you're absolutely beautiful! Don't listen to people who try to put you down, you're stunning and aslong as YOU know that, they don't matter. Don't put yourself down and you keep being yourself okay, you're lovely and gorgeous. (: <3.

I'm not bothered to be honest!, he can think/say what he wants to! I don't give 2 fucks about him anymore the cunt. Thank you though xxx

I'm just asking this out of curiosity but what exactly did you say to Ryan that caused him to give you so much hate? :o

Just sticking up for people he didn't like it called me a hippo and got people on me :)

If you dont mind me asking, what the fuck is going on here? What happened? Why are all these cunts giving you problems?

I don't know, something to do with me sticking up for people from shit someone called Ryan said to them

Your weight shouldn't matter if your fat or not. You're fucking gorgeous & Ryan is a douche for saying that. You're not fat. You're gorgeous. Don't let people bring you down love.<3 Stay Strong. Kik me if you ever need anyone. BunnyBooh123

Jessica Furoy
Thank you<3 means a lot x
Liked by: Jessica Furoy

Just saw the horrible things people are saying to you, that's fucking horrible, you're beautiful inside and out, hope you're ok x

Thank you princess<3


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