

Ask @PaigeCompton835

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alright, if that's what you want, but know i'll always be here for you whatsoever<3 beautiful girl like yourself, don't deserve to have been said those things.. x

Its fine... Who's this please, send me something I won't post it i just want to know who you are??

Do ignore, because trust me. he will pay for what was said, i'll be making sure that there's somebody there to record.. i know where he chills, who's his bitchas friends. and when he's alone don't worry he will pay cheer up beautiful<33

Who is this? Please leave it? It's pathetic he is worth nothing to me I hate him... It's fine promise x

Hey, just saw on that 'god' wall thingy that he told you to kill yourself? who the fuck does he think he is.. to be honest, you're so much more then that fat piece of shit when i walk past him, he keeps his head down, next time, ima put my fist in his fucking face disgrase of a human, cheer up ok?

:( he's not worth it, he's pathetic... I'm ignoring it all now:/ thank you for caring :)<3

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The point is you have all your life ahead of you and these years will go people will grow up, you will gave kids and you can tell them how you rose above this xx <33 -stay strong

Mm:/ I don't know.. Thank for trying to help though..

You're pretty, and the perfect weight. Dont please the haters by giving them want they want. Stand tall!! < 33

I can't, I don't see the point, I'm not strong enough anymore
Liked by: Laura xo

Just seen someone telling you to kill yourself.honestly don't.he may have reasons for saying it but no-one ever deserves to get told to go die,so ye just ignore them:)

Thank you, I'm not bothered though maybe their right, I should kill myself :/

LOOOOL you're 14 & you're that size. Lose weight cunt, that's what 'I used to be fat' is for XD

Fuck off judging me:(

Thanks! Liam has annoyed me before. When I asked him to do a hot or not for me, he put a pic of a little girl w/ Down Syndrome instead of my real picture. I hated him ever since. Ryan hasn't done anything to me- yet. I will ignore them, but if another person comes and hurts you, I will tell them off

Ashley Muscat (Never The Same)
Liam is pathetic! I hate the idiot... You are a strong girl just ignore them they are not worth anything to be honest... Your perfect the way you are xxxxxx

Your not fat, ugly or anything your perfect just remember that and don't let any cunt my you think different, kik me rayyy6 , and if anyone gets rude tell me xoxoxox

Will do:-) ill kik you in a minute :-)<3

I'm pretty nervous about hate from Liam and Ryan, but I will stand up for you to them and if I get hate, then I will deactivate. Do you have a twitter or a facebook?

Ashley Muscat (Never The Same)
Yeah i do, I'm not giving it out though, ignore Ryan and Liam they are pathetic your better then them!<3


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