

Ask @PaigeCompton835

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I am 20 years old and I have been manodepressed since I was 6 years old. You're not depressed over something like a family death or anything, you're just "depressed", just like millions of teen who doesn't know what an actual depression is and have nothing to be sad about.

Aurora Nyman
Shut up. Like I said you don't know me so fuck off.

Hi, it's me who started my question with "I'm so fucking tired..." I'm not afraid to show my name, and I'm not pathetic for stating something so obvious. Teens today piss me off for being so ungrateful. Do you have food every day? Do you have clothes, a home, a healthy family? Then stop whining.

Aurora Nyman
How am I being un grateful? You're having ago at me for not being happy with my life and the things I have I'm sorry but you don't know me. If you really must know I have depression and you wouldn't know what's that is like or anything so do not have ago at me! Don't judge if you don't know the full story....

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You're so pretty :D please stay strong because you are so beautiful and you were given a life to live it <3


I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit! You have no fucking right to be depressed, you were probably born into a wealthy family, you're not fat(maybe a few extra kilos), your whole family is alive and healthy, you have more than one friend and YOU CAN WALK. So shut your fucking face and stop whining!

Fuck off:L finding behind anon!! How pathetic

Why do you have to be mean like te haters. The girl was forced into "doing it" I'm not trying to be rude but its my opinion

What are you on about? If you're coming to have ago at me when just have ago. Not in the mood

im always here if you need to speak babe :-) and I will be by your side through it all to male sure you are okay babe <3 xxxxxxxxx

Thank you huni, I need to text you something I ent posting it on here.. But thank you loads!<3xxxxxx
Liked by: Chels

stay strong beautiful I love you loads im always here for you. dont do anything stupid please princess I dont want to loose my bestfriend you mean the world to me:-( ignore all the dicks they will get it back worse!! I love you baby stay strong <3 <3

Aw thank you babe! I love you millions means so so so much<3 I'm trying to stay strong! I'm so lucky to have someone like you<3 Ly princessxxxxxxx
Liked by: Chels

I know youre not an attention seeker And God didnt send you to the world if you were supposed to do everything right, we always have mistakes and we basically repeat them a million times but death wont be the answer because -sorry- you will suffer more!

its fine... ill be alright in the end:-)

dont kill yourself! Think about your mom who suffered 9 months pregnant with you and then knows her daughter is suicidal? Please just ignore the hate because i know you wont ever want to have a kid and know he/she wants to kill him/herself Stay strong, confident and stay alive!❤

I wish my suicide attempt worked:/ and I know I have family to think about but I cant do everything right for them. im not perfect and never ever ever will be, thank you for this though.
p.s im not an fucking attention seeker!

Everyone needs to stop being mean! I'm sorry that people are mean to you. You don't deserve them being mean to you. F**k the Anons. And btw you are really pretty! And stay strong!

Thank you gorgeous x

Omg what the actually fuck, it's anons like those which caused a young girl to end her life a few days ago, how the fuck can people still bully on this crap, makes me sick. Ignore them ignorant fucks, don't let them put you down (you don't know me but I know what it feels like to be depressed)smile

It's sick enit? And thank you means a lot right now<3
Liked by: Lasagne❤

Guys! Stop being mean to her! What if you were called these things that your calling her! Just stop your not cool. I'm so sorry that people like this all you nasty, horrible things. I'm so sorry. Stay strong!

its okay it doesn't bother me, and I wil do<3

Please don't kill yourself. This month my friend took her own life and its crazy how many people are depressed. We didn't even know she was being bullied. . Please don't kill yourself. I don't want another person to have to leave this world as early as my friend had to leave.

sorry to hear that...I hope youre okay<3 im not doing anything yet.. im just going to stay off ask for an hour or so and just chill out with music:/ stay strong anyway<3

Please just listen to me. Don't kill yourself I don't want you too. Trust me you don't actually want to die. You just need to be saved. Please don't kill yourself. You are beautiful, and God put you on this Earth for a reason. He wouldn't of put you on the Earth if you didn't have a purpose.

im not being nasty but I want to be left alone I need to make some choices in my life,,

You are going to go so far in life, as long as you don't kill yourself every time something goes wrong

Can everyone just leave me alone please

Okay, you are either 1) extremely arrogant, 2) extremely ignorant because I'm trying to help, 3) a spoilt brat because you really are quite obnoxious, 4) a lying, attention seeking bitch, because really this whole thing is actually rather bizarre because you really even had that much, but seriously

Leave me alone I can't even take anymore of people having ago at me. It's annoying you don't know what I've been through or anything and you're calling me spoilt brat and a lying attention seeker. No I don't think I am any of them babe so leave my ask bye!

See, you prove my point, you can't just run away every time something bad happens, you need to face it with your head held high, I have been beaten, mugged and raped and I am 15, but I've never gone to kill myself, honestly if you feel it is that bad find help but just remember someone has it worse.

Why you telling me this? I don't want to know you're personal life! You don't know me! You don't know my problems and I'm not going tell you either so kindly leave me alone !!!!


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