
Rachh Jones

Ask @RachhJones

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If you had wings, where would you fly?

I would give my wings to my auntie so she could fly to heaven and visit Sam..

What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

To enjoy speaking to certain people, cos you never know when they will just stop bothering

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What is on the walls of the room you are in?

My pretty wallpaper on one wall, a Cheryl Cole poster and a '101 places to see before you die' poster, but i need some new ones

What's something you do well?

I cant even answer this question, how bad is that,, i dont fucking know anything i do well.. If anyone knows of anything then please feel free to inform me

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

A sociable idiot! Cos at the moment im a lonely idiot so im not benefiting from either ahahha

Who's your favorite actor and what was his or her best role?

I cant answer this shit i have too many fave actors/actresses

What's the movie that made you cry?

Man on Fire oh my fuck Dakota Fanning and Denzel Washington are so amazing.. That is one film that i cry my eyes out at the end ffs

Do you have any strange phobias?

Textures of food:L, clowns but i dont think anyone particularly likes them, umm i think my other fears are pretty common

What noise do you hear right now?

My sister being an annoying bugger scraping something along the kitchen floor oh ffs

What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?

I dont know, ive loved all my presents! But probably my cats, even though i bought them myself, haha they were still a birthday present i suppose;-)

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

Wow, ready for a rant?
Okay paragraph on the wayyyy..
Well, firstly, who has the right to decide that relationships and marriage should only be between man and woman? Like is there some sort of law against gays?
People find it so hard to come out as being homosexual because of the way they are judged in society.. Parents are 'disappointed' and some so-called friends think it makes them a different person or something, like why do people find it so unusual when someone comes out to be gay?
Or when someone says "he need to admit he's gay", wtf people dont have to say "im straight" so why should gay people have to admit it their sexuality!?
Really fucking annoys me when people are homophobic, yeah arachnophobia and claustrophobia are general fears, but homophobia? You taking the piss?:L
So yeah, my opinion on same gender relationships is the same as different gender relationships, do what makes you happy, and ignore the fucking dipshit cunts that tell you different:-)

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Language: English