
Rachh Jones

Ask @RachhJones

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Who would you cast to play you in a movie?

Dakota Fanning, she looks the complete opposite to me, but she is amazing so yanno

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I dont really know, at one point i wanted to be a vet, but then realised it involved cutting up animals, aha i was like 5 ok. I want to be a primary teacher now though, and have done for a couple of years so yanno

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What's one thing everyone should do in their lifetime?

Go round the world! I know some people arent interested in doing that but imagine some of the amazing shit you would see:o

Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

Not really, but if they are going endangered then yeah cos they can breed them? I think haha

What's the most delicious fruit?

Um i like strawberries, red apples, red grapes(sometimes), peaches(or nectarines) oranges.. There is a bit of a colour pattern aha

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

I would be happy staying 16 tbh hahaha! Everyone says 16 is the shittest age but yanno:L either 16, or like 25ish?

What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

Me and my twin brother were born 3 months early and were lucky to survive with no 'disabilities'

If you were to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Just one thing?:( i dunno, i want to change my figure, looks, hair, you get the gist aha

What are your TOP 5 movies?

Oh god there are too many:(
The Lost Boys,
Man on Fire
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,
Now Is Good.
Theres loads more but they are the ones i first thought of aha

What was the first thing you learned to cook?

I dont know, been learning to cook since i was little, used to help my mum in the kitchen at like the age of 4 haha

Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship?

Hm i dont know, cos i dont really like public transport haha, prefer trains to buses, planes are a bit scary to be on, but so are ships, so depends where im going and how long i will need to be on it for ahha


Language: English