
Rachh Jones

Ask @RachhJones

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If you could slap anyone with a slice of ham who would It be?

Random:L!! Dunno, whoever was pissing me off at the time

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I'm know this is random and you don't know me, but I'm an Asian would you ever date me?:)

Its a no from me soz:)

I'll think about it, might do if I see you online or something :)

Im always online, pop up now please:)

To answer your question from before, yeah I do have you on Facebook, I know you wanna know who I am, but I'll be like proper shy and all that if I tell you who I am.... :/

Please pop up? I really wanna know!

What's the latest thing that made you smile?

Properly smile? When i got called stunning,, it made my week, thought it meant more to me than them! Ah well, still made me smile:)
Liked by: Harry ferris

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Fluorescent Adolescent

Do you care what other people think of you?

Yeah, if i think someone doesnt like me it will proper play on my mind, i wish i could learn not to give a shit tbh

If you could spend the next year living anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Probably France, or London, bit of a difference but i like the accents so yanno

What's the perfect place for a first date?

Anywhere as long as its not too scummy aha, it shouldnt really matter where you get taken


Language: English