@ReyJakuzure89#24 🇺🇸


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can you consider someone your friend if they're never present not even on your most important events such as birthday parties, friday night dinners, etc?

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It’s rough when a friend consistently misses out on big moments like your birthday or weekly dinners. Whether or not you still see them as a friend can depend on a few things. If they have legit reasons like heavy workloads or family commitments, that’s one thing. It also matters if they make an effort to stay connected through other means, like messaging or calls. Think about how you feel during the times you do manage to meet up. If those moments are meaningful, it could balance things out. But your feelings matter too—if you’re feeling neglected, that’s significant. Every friendship has its own rhythm, so it’s crucial to talk it out and see what works for both of you.

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