@ReyJakuzure89#24 🇺🇸


Latest answers from ReyRey

Would you be able to handle a 16 hour road trip without complaining and getting car sick?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I like road trips. As long as we take breaks every two hours and I don't have to do the driving all by myself, I 'm fine. I do get carsick sitting in the back tho.

When brushing your teeth, do you use soft, medium, or hard bristles?

Soft. My dentist says I'm brushing too hard already.

Would you go to the movie theater and pick a movie that doesn’t really interest you just because you like the experience of going to one and having movie theater popcorn?

Going to a movie theater gives me too much anxiety to waste it on something I don't care about. I do like the popcorn tho 🍿

If someone likes you back (romantically), would they follow you on social media regardless of whether or not your content interests them?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I know I would.

My partner says “he’s in between jobs”🤔. Wtf does it mean? Can’t he just say he is frickin’ unemployed atm? 😤

I think you can say that you're in between jobs only if you have a job lined up already.

Language: English