
Samantha Lee

Ask @SAMkapoteh

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If you were naked and invisible, would you quietly go up to hot naked guy with a massive hard on and have sex with him?

mm, maybe. depends, how hot?
jokes i would NOT

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Did it hurt when you fell down from heaven?

yea it hurt a lot! i hit the ground pretty hard & thas why i look like this. b-e-a-u-tiful
sarcasm intended

heyyyyy sammmmmmmm. what are you doing.

Mel Johnson
hi mel! :) thanks for asking me a question hahaha, i'm answering this now and talking to your bro :p and listening to music

Most fun thing you've ever done?

i'm actually not sure but. rollerblading with the buds after PMR was the one of the most carefree and i guess fun (?) things i've done lately. of course there was disneyland and US and stuff like that too :p

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

i would go naked and run everywhere

oh oh . Thoughts on yi yi? :3

yiyi thought me how to gangnam. she's weird, funny and totally crazy. super hardworking, smart and pretty. k-pop fan all the way

Thoughts on Jing Tong? ;)

haha jing's nice i guess, but get on his bad side and you're not gonna have a good time. but he's cool haha and weird and annoying sometimes~


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