
Scarlet Otaku

Ask @ScarletOtaku57

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Do you curse out loud or in your head more?

Out loud. I'm lucky that I have some self-control over that though when around kids and family.

What is love to you?

Love is commitment, love is honesty, love is making it through the pain, love is nurturing, love is never giving up, and love is what keeps you close to the things you hold dear. And when that love is shown through not just words, but action, then you know it's real.
...um... I mean....
WHAT IS LOVE?! BABY DON'T HURT ME! DON'T HURT ME! NO MORE!!!... k I'll shut up now...

Which kind of natural disaster scares you the most?

Tornadoes. Whenever I see low clouds and a storm coming in with them, I always watch to see if they ever touch the ground or not, doesn't matter if the temperature is right for them, I just get paranoid when those clouds get too low.

If you could live in any fictional universe what would it be?

Tamriel. I wanna visit places like Skyrim, Morrowind, and Cyrodil, do a couple bounties, fight some bandits, and kill a few dragons. Don't care if I'm Dragonborn or not, I just wanna kill a dergun XD

Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest?

I don't like the sound of styrofoam. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

I'll go with the airplane thing, I hate heights anyway.

If you were a character in a TV series, how would you like your character's introduction scene to play out?

I want to have my character watch TV with her feet propped up against the coffee table and eating pocky. When she has the Mom ask her to do chores n' shit, she's just like, "In a minute, I wanna see if Kirito's gonna die a violent death by the end of this!"

How do you feel when people tell you that they fear you? Yes, I do fear you.

Fearing me is more your problem, no one aside from you has told me that they were afraid of me.

is there any adivce you can give to someonen wanting to make commentary videos or make better ones?

The Nature Boy
1. Spellcheck
2. Be yourself, don't try to be a gimmick or be like someone else, be yourself and be comfortable with yourself.
3. Learn how to edit videos properly, look up tutorials or play around with your editing software to get the hang of how everything works, though keep in mind that practice videos shouldn't have to be public, they can be private and serve as stepping stones for what you're working towards.
4. Learn how to debate and debate about something you know you can talk about. Don't just go into topics you don't know anything about, start off with something you do know and work your way to branching into different topics. As I said in my newest commentary as well, "Research keeps you from looking like an ignorant douche", so with that, when you do try to talk about a topic that you're unfamiliar with, don't go in blind, learn about it so that you know what you're talking about. Buuuuuut don't use Wikipedia for your main resource of information, that can bite you in the ass later if you're not careful.
5. Be entertaining. This is extremely important because while you can be educational, you also have to be engaging and entertaining to watch while your audience is learning alongside you. Tell a few pot-shot jokes, though any that has already been done in the past decade of the internet's lifespan of memes should remain out due to age, be clever in your rebuttals, don't just be a one-trick pony, and finally, as stated in #2, be yourself.
That's about all I got off the top of my head.

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