
Scarlet Otaku

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What are your thoughts on the .Hack franchise?

Stuart Alexander Monge
Don't really have much to say on it, though from what my cousin told me, she was bored out of her mind and found more enjoyment out of a series called Log Horizon, been getting more into that one really.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClQqBh7Z7jA Thoughts

1. Work on your improv skills if you choose to go unscripted. Going unscripted isn't a bad thing but some pull it off better than others and while you have potential, it needs some work.
2. Also work on your acting skills a bit more. You're improving, I'll give you that, however there are certain parts where you overact on certain lines and come of a liiiiittle creepy. There's exaggeration and then there's trying too hard. Your jokey lines were pretty good though.
3. Slight nitpick, but since the guy's voice is kinda slow in the original vid, might want to speed up the vid a little to make the video easier for both you and the viewer to get through and maybe throw in a laugh or two depending on how fast you make the video go. Just make sure that it's still understandable to hear.
Overall, not bad. Work on those three things I brought up and keep at it!

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Liked by: Coolboykain

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?

Hawk Girl. I could solve all of my problems with a mace! XD
Liked by: Harb

Thoughts on Panty and Stocking?

Jackie Cannon
Funny as fuck. Love the art style, animation, and concept of the show. The humor can be a bit iffy for some people depending on their taste in humor, but this is none the less an anime that everyone needs to see at least once... Maybe twice XD

Sword Art Online or One Piece 4kids version?

Jackie Cannon
Given the circumstances... One Piece 4kids version. Because at least the story is still there and it makes somewhat a good amount of sense. It may be dumbed down for the kids, but hey, at least there are some things I can commend the anime for aside from animation and soundtrack (of which is the only thing that I give SAO praise for), an interesting story and good world building.

Why do people keep asking me on ask.fm if I'm dating Shanna? ;~;

Jackie Cannon


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