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Latest answers from Yeilyn

Do you think it is a good idea to marry before having sex?

I would never in my life want to marry someone before having sex with them. I have never been an innocent being even while being a virgin, I am a true sexual being.
On the other hand I would never encourage anyone to follow in the same footsteps unless we were one of the same within that department. I have never encourage someone to have sex right away, unless that is what they are looking for and even when that is what they are looking for, I question their intentions behind it. You are getting in bed with a complete stranger that you just met and honey having sex immediately which is almost entirely out of desire and lust is not for the faint of heart. Some of those experiences will eat at you alive for the rest of your life if you cannot treat yourself with respect and dignity, afterwards.
What I do encourage is to take your time. Make sure it is with someone that you trust, love, and feel comfortable with. Someone who respects you, and has met your family while you have met his or her family. Who has taken part in helping you grow as the beautiful person that you will become. If you are going to have sex for the first time, it also BETTER be in a comfortable setting environment, at their place or your place. Not in a back of a car, or at a friends house, or at a hotel/motel at that. The first time must be special, thankfully mines was specially funny, it was special surely but kinda funny too, I will not go into it at this time. The first time will most definitely hurt and you might cry therefore someone who can give you support when you are feeling vulnerable is going to help you move past the pain and into creating an enjoyable and pleasurable experience.
If it takes someone all the way until marriage to come to those terms than so be it..that is within their best interest, as long as it works for them. But I will not sit here and say what is a good idea for one person will result to the same for another. If I had to wait to get married to someone before having sex with them, I would probably cheat...I can tolerate mediocre sex over someone that I love deeply but I will not for lousy or no sex at all.
Look at it this way, the first time I met my current boyfriend..I got invited by our friends to go catch some Pokemon, and he so happened to be there. During that time I was considering joining the navy and my friends always talked about this one friend that I could talk to whenever he would come for a visit..and because of him as a result I didn´t join the navy. I got to really understand where he was at this point in time within his life on that day...and I couldn´t help but want to make out with him. But I wasn´t sure if it was appropriate because it was a hanging out scene rather than hey I´m totally going to hook up with the ¨navy guy¨. So I talked to my friend about it first, I want to do ¨this¨, is this cool and he was like you do whatever you want. Funnily enough he ruined the surprise by telling him first, but it happened.

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when eating hard candy how long do you usually take before biting into it?

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Most of the time I bite into it as soon as its inside my mouth, whereas the other times I will probably lick it 2 or 3 times before biting. I really love biting..I bite my nails, pens, anything that´s mine, preferably, I will bite on it like there's no tomorrow, it is truly such an awesome sensation at times.
I wish my nails could grow out though =(

is @StephenInd hot? would you date him?

He has a very genuine smile I must say, on the other hand my preference is towards someone my own age or close. My lover is currently the same age as I, 22.

Write a haiku that summarizes yourself.

A soul-searcher at heart
Commencing new beginnings
Who shall come along.

Have you ever lost all trust in a person? Did they ever regain your trust? If so how?

My first ever best friend who took a while to call best friend, she declared us to be best friends while I was still considering it for years, needless to say I did eventually come around to it. We live in the same apartment complex and technically she was the first friend I had in the united states, I knew her all the way till I was in highschool, once college started I eliminated her from out my life completely. I never trusted her, and her mother was violently aggressive and physical with her, which is considering normal parenting within the hispanic community. She never hesitated to say that if I acted up...she will hit me and my motherly gave her permission, it was all jokingly two...so as a kid it didn't sound serious much but I knew it could happen so I made sure to not act up too much. So she never hit me seriously just playfully, but she did hit her daughter. Would slap her around in front of me of me 2. They were kind of racist to be honest, they always needed to point out something about my race, her family anyway through passive aggressive and unnecessary jokes and I always laughed like it was funny.
Let's go back to my best friend, when she was angry at you she would say all kinds of means things saying your stupid, fucking idiot and ya ya. Mind you I never even called her a bitch.
She jokingly pushed me once, causing me to fall on my hand and the ambulance came due to my hand not moving for a second. She left and didn't apologize until later, when I brought it up...we still remain friends. I was with a guy online, she talked to him during this time, I have called him on her number before. When he broke up with me for the most stupid reason to which she agreed on but didn't care because she started dating him immediately, I didn't say anything until he broke up with her..., it incredibly hurt my feelings. We sort of made up by doing a prank call together and we blew up his phone, said some stupid shit. She didn't really apologize for that and I didn't do anything, I didn't care to. Amongst many other things. We were like sisters I went to her house almost everyday or when she moved tried to see her several times a week but no more. She was a horrible friend and that came into realization after some soul searching and standing up for myself mpore. I ignored her and she blew up my phone, facebook, fucking everything man.. A year later she's sending hate messages, calling me a nigger, whore, slut about all the names you can think of through facebook messages obviously she's hurt but eventually I blocked her from my phone first and then facebook. None of the same friends we had at the time are talking to her because of her attitude, she's short tempered and tells you all kinds of disrespectful mean-hearted things, and over the most miniscule of reasons. She was a plague and I cut that shit out of my life for good. I will never put up with that kind of behavior from anyone ever again.

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Okay people. In Florida , due to the hurricane,some hotels are raising their rates 5 times above average, gas is $9.99 at some stations, and a case of $4 drinking water is raised to $30 in some places. What are your thoughts on this?

Living in Florida within my area the prices have been about the same. At my workplace the only left over water cost about 20$ but that is the typical price they have on the store for Fiji and Evian water. They started off with 40 water bottles for 2 bucks, then another brand with the same amount of bottle for 4 bucks but that didn't last even a day. In order for everyone to get a fair share at the last minute, they had to set a limit of 2 water packs per member, in the beginning people were getting as much as 10 packs. In my mind anyone who gets that many is most likely going to try to sell them in an unreasonable price or hopefully they have a large family or giving it away to close friends. Taking action at the last minute (for some it could have been for legitimate reasons) isn't going to change the fact of how high the demands are for water, gas, a place to stay and so on. I see it being somewhat similar to lyft and uber...the prices spike up during rush hours when there is a high demand to get from one location to another, it could also be said the lack of regulation doesn't help. What normally only cost 12$ will easily go up to 22$. Does making a profit exclude natural disasters out the picture? Absolutely not. We could argue because of peoples fear and desperation it's a great time to make some money.
In other words for those that didn't plan ahead or weren't very luck, it is unfortunate. I went grocery shopping today and with very little money was able to buy things, healthy things at that to feed my family. The owner of the place we know her, and everyone in there. An orange juice that easily cost 6 bucks for half, she filled it up completely. People need to work around the system set up to take advantage of them during dire times.
Price change also doesn't just occur during natural disasters. Consider prices varying in different cities, states and stores. This not new..it doesn't make it right, sure. But it's not new and I'm not upset about the situation. I already knew it was going to happen, and luckily my area ..specifically the places I went to didn't spike up the prices. For those who weren't so lucky, it's unfortunate.

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Which of these would you have the most difficulty giving up: alcohol, meats, carbs(bread, pasta, etc.)?

Obviously carbs. I eat rice on the daily. Probably eat noddles every two weeks, and sometimes 3 times a week. I could live without alcohol and meat but I can't live without rice...it is very hard to be or remain full for long without it.

Why don't we have better candidates for the presidency in this election? Is there no one else brave enough to lead the country? Or should we end the electoral college? Please explain. Thanks. BQ: If you're not from America, what is your advice for Americans?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I don't like Hilary Clinton but I greatly dislike Donald Trump for presidency. America will be saving oneself from the plague by not voting for donald Trump, anyone but Donald Trump. The guy is a complete imbecile, and at this point it will no longer be just any kind of joke if he becomes president. Instead America wil look like quite a pitiful and devastating joke...if he so wins, by the people who elect him for presidency. Similar or worse to the George bush moment ,he will only further bring America down to its knees causing another president to pick up all of the shattered pieces left behind.
Advice? This is not just any kind of joke anymore. It's no longer just yourself on the line but also friends, family, and neighbors. Think carefully about what would be best for your country.
I'm participating in the elections this year, make some extra cash and learn a thing or two about the work that goes on for the big day. Still considering whether or not to vote. I have never actually voted for anyone...always just opt out of it altogether.

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what was the last thing you did that made you cringe? (or are you just way too smooth to do anything cringe-worthy?)

sscabss’s Profile Photoscabs
Living is filled of cringiness. There are so many opportunities to come across on a daily basis. There is not a week and sometimes not a day to be worth doing or saying something cringy, intentionally or unintentionally.

when was the last time you took time to do something you didn't want to do? BQ: was the the thing you did ever so grudgingly done out of novelty, necessity, or love?

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Probably today, I had to mop the floors. I hate mopping or sweeping floors.
Some love for my mother, plus the dog peed inside the house and it's gross. I also include some of my own essential oils lavender and peppermint making the whole experience a lot more tolerable. I ended up coming across a job that only lasted for a week that helped with doing things I normally wouldn't want to do but know I need to do them regardless of how I feel. In other words I no longer need to actively cheer myself up before doing something. I can do it angry, sad, any kind of negative emotion and after its all said and done...there is a sense of accomplishment and gratitude where as a result happiness arrives on its own mere will. I have never thought that to be possible and till this day I never got paid from that commission job, ending up losing a lot of money just on transportation alone. No regrets though, considering how life changing it was.

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