

Ask @ShaunaBourke113

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Do you think children should wear modest clothes to school if there is no dress code? By modest, I don't mean raggedy clothes. I mean clothes that aren't overly fancy, like designer, so they don't make less privileged children feel bad about themselves because their parents can't afford such tings.

Yeah I do believe so. I think that’s the whole point of uniform also so less fortunate kids don’t feel left out or get bullied for their clothes / shoes.

If you have something to say, raise your hands and scream This is the best party ever, let's stand!. Let's have fun in spite of all life's adversity, celebrate our bond, and cherish our unityyyy


most hurtful thing someone has ever said to you?

Words have never really hurt me, it’s more actions

What would you do if you saw a mouse in your house? 🐁

Rats and mice are my biggest fear 😰 🤣

What do you think makes someone a “good person”?

Treating others equally and being good to others


Language: English