

Ask @ShrutiBisht

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90% of the girls do watch porn for sure its just they dont accept it that they watch it. So plz be honest.. You havn't watched porn in your life ? For god sake dont say No, cuz you would have even if just once... Dont take it as hate it was a general explantion

dude why so desperate to know that they watch or don't ?? and yes do untick 😑

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OMG :* I havent seen someone super cute as much as you on Ask... :* Trust me you are most cuttest girl i have seen on ask... :* PS: Cuttest girl ever seen :* Stay the same and increase your cuteness day by dayy :* Ps: want to know u... be friends with you... can we.. I admire you Girll :) :* :*

It would be more effective if you have shown ur name also 😉


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