
Shyanne the teenage bitch ♥

Ask @ShyanneBieber99

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look at this attention seeker lol http://ask.fm/honicaknowsnothing/answer/18375586721

she isn't an attention seeker, you're just a fucking idiot with no life, instead of getting people to hate on her, you should be helping her cause cutting yourself isn't good, my friend cuts sometimes & it's fucking hard for me, so i imagine for them, seeing my friend cut is fucking hard because it shows how much pain they're going through & to think about cutting yourself isn't easy let alone actually doing it.. & getting comments like that isn't helping AT ALL! some people actually kill themselves cause of the hate, so maybe you should rethink about what you're doing & grow the fuck up. you pathetic cunt.

tell me what do u look for in a guy ?

since i've already answered this, i'll copy paste :)
Wot do you look for in a guy ?? Xx
he has to have a nice personality, he has to love me for who i am & love all my flaws, he has to make me feel like i'm good enough & that i'm actually worth a lot, he has to show me that he loves me & not treat me differently depending on who's around, he has to have at least a bit of looks i guess, also something i would like is if they show you off & are proud to call you their girlfriend & not to be embarrassed to show it! :) also someone i can be myself around without being careful of making mistakes, someone that will help me up when i'm down and turn my frown upside down, he has to care for me & love me as much as i will for him or at least close ♥♥


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