
Shyanne the teenage bitch ♥

Ask @ShyanneBieber99

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He only goes for you because of your looks

no he doesn't cause if he went for looks he would have chosen someone else :)
Liked by: tm

H.o joelle ferrar x

hahah entiraa :') we never really used to talk before but a few weeks ago in the beach we spoke & we started becoming really close! she's amazing! :') we have some inside jokes & everytime i see weird feet they remind me of her hahahah :') she's beautiful! really fun to be around & an amazing friend! don't change babe! <3 lyyyy xxx
Liked by: tm Joelleeee

heeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuu its SJ ;) hahahahahahaha noveaaaa k askooo de nina aii en gib con lo celossss !! hahaha yesss <3 TU SI QUE VALEE !! they dont get the anon thing offf cos they no id write something on their wall toh flat.

hahahaha yaa :') love you sarah :') x
Liked by: tm

people hating on you because theyre jealous! I saw this through Facebook, and we're not good friends or anything but I have to say you are nowhere near a slut, and you're fucking gorgeous! You're really nice and have the perfect figure, ignore the haters, you're beautiful :') I'm a girl btw haha xx

awhh! thanks :') bet you're beautiful too! means a lot :) chat me? x
Liked by: tm

excuse me, Shyanne is gorgeous .. lol your proberly jealous your not like her, slut lol ffs get the balls to take off anon <3 lovee you shaneee <3 some people getting mixed up with others .. lol ahha <3 xoox

Lois Clark
hahaha awh thanks babe! <3 love you more louieeeeeeee <3 xxxxxxx
Liked by: tm Lois Clark

youre really ugly dont know why everyone says youre so beautiful so stop believing it bec its not true slut

i agree with you on the first part but don't worry i don't believe it :) & the last part you got all wrong babe, i'm nowhere near a slut so get your facts right hunny x
Liked by: tm


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