
Shyanne the teenage bitch ♥

Ask @ShyanneBieber99

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Do you think you could possibly become a model when you're older if you gave it a shot ? :)

i really want to be but i know i don't have a chance so nope haha :)
Liked by: Timmy Howitt

I dnt wanna chat u coz im shy nd if i tell u who it is then we wont hv the same friendship but your dp in fb is like wow super model over here !!!! Xxxx

hahah no? :L & doesn't matter chat me, it won't chage anythingg :) xx

You are the Perfect girl your sexy and beautiful and at the same time not a slut so fuck u ppl that call her a slut coz shes prettier than you and u have the most amazing personality ever i adore you xxxxxxxxxx

awwh thankss ♥ who's this? chat me pleaseeee :) xx

yeh but we arent really close and its awkward :|

sorry is this the person that's insecure or the one on her period? :L
Liked by: dnt

have u started ur period yet? if u have, could u help me please? ok im scared cos i dont know how to tell my mom about it...its embarassing!...

just go up to her and tell her, it's something that will happen to all girls, sooner or later she'll have to find out anyway so just go and tell her x

no i don't i have my friends from middle school who i chat with but i do NOT go out especially in gib and i don't feel like cause youll just make fun of me

i don't make fun of anyone, especially if they're insecure, making fun of people can actually hurt them really badly, people made fun of my best friend & she started self harming, also because of people making fun of my best friend, they were planning on killing themselves so i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna make fun of you! :) actually, i'll try & help you as much as i can just like i do with all my other friends so trust me, chatting me won't make me 'make fun of you' so go on, chat me :) oh & so you were in my middle school? same year as me or..? x

actually i'm home schooled, and i never do go out.. if i do my dad takes me out for a walk in spain, because i'm extremely insecure

just chat me & i'm sure you do go out in gib at least every once in a while.. & chat me cause i hate having a conversation over ask.fm..

REAL INSECURITY 1) If i hated my legs (which i do) i don't post pictures of me in a bikini because i hate them 2) i don't even take pictures because i feel and look ugly. THAT IS REAL INSECURITY, not wanting anybody to look at you. I'm sorry but don't tell me you're insecure because aren't

i am insecure about myself and if you don't take photos then sorry to say but you're stupid because people are gonna see you in the streets anyway cause i'm pretty sure you haven't been locked up in a room since you were born so might as well live you're life & take pictures even if you hate them, even if you look as hideous as can be, even if you hate it because at the end of the day pictures are memories & people will see you anyway so might as well have them for yourself too x & please if you wanna say anything else about this just chat me better.. :)

haha all alone for our birthdays man .. people on skii trip haha

yaa :( no pasa na, we liate it me, you & danielle :D

you cant possible hate everything about yourself... sorry but we all know that's a lie i think you're pretty and shouldn't edit your photos so much, let that natural beauty shine through

it's funny tbh cause the only thing i do to my photos is the effect & only sometimes, not always.. & yes, i hate my face, my hair, my boddy, my legs, my voice, my everything.. plus if you're 'insecure' like you say then you should know that it's possible..

i never said it annoys me, i just hate the fact that you said you're insecure when clearly you aren't, you may be insecure about FLAWS but not insecure about yourself in general. Of course you shouldn't lock yourself but from what i see especially in pictures body gestures says it all

i hate everything about me, the last time i checked, that's what insecure is but anyway pictures mean nothing cause the same way as you can hide a broken heart & something that's killing you on the inside with a smile, you can be insecure & take a picture just to cover up.. :/
Liked by: dnt

I dont know you , but why all the hate against you ?? dam whats up with people nowadays :/

haters gonna hate ♥ they have nothing better to do :/


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