
Shyanne the teenage bitch ♥

Ask @ShyanneBieber99

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ive been ur bestfriends since babies and im not invited to ur party :(

awhh! :( who's this? chat, maybe i forgot.. there is a few people i forgot about & as i go remembering them i'll invite them :) x

can every one go to your party ?

well not eveyone haha :) if someone wants to come they can ask me & i'll tell them if theycan :) if not if someone is invited & would like their friend to come they can ask x

where is the video then?

the ask.fm one on saray's ask.fm & there is one on saray's facebook .. who's this? i'll tag you :)

fuck what people say .. they need to get a lifeee ... fuck them and if they want to say somthing to you they have to say it to me too ! :D xx

awwh who's this? ♥


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