
Steph Black

Ask @StephenAnthonyBlack

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yes ? sorry i got bored of the auto generated asks being thrown in the the obviously not randomly generated ones. Even turning of the shoutout wouldn't work..
sorry i make you sad

Okay what about this poem? Girls are like apples in threes. Boys just take Apple from the yard because their afraid to be sad. The apples near from the sky wondered why nobody took them. In fact, they just have to wait for a courageous boy.

this is not technically a poem.

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What’a your (full) name?

Doesn't matter, i hate it anyways
as far as im concerned steph black, thats all its ever been, and all it will continue to be.

How often do you sing aloud? Name the song you perform best!

Lol ironic , I was JUST signing aloud when you asked this ! i sing constantly, and was even in children's choir in church etc etc,
depends .
honestly i tear up Belus Doed by Burzum. i have a nack for making my voice very gutteral.. but not even like modern death or gutturals, but more a 90s black metal feel, it feels hellish, the tone is sharp and sometimes scares myself.
i also hit "thats what heaven feels like" by The Dirty Nil

Have you ever sent a message and then immediately regretted it?

literally all the fucking time, I cant formulate ideas properly anymore.
it the substance abuse and mental illness innit

What perfume are you wearing today?

oof marry me ??!
but Vanilla Pumpkin Spice from Bed Bath and Bodyworks
will use Cup of Warmth tomorrow ^-^

What is your favorite quote?

"There's nothing wrong with talking to yourself !
-Bubbles from the Powerpuff girls
-Fluttershy MLP, screaming at wild animals frustrated when they run from her
-Trixie Tang, Fairly Odd Parents

Someone you wanna meet right now or someone you miss right now?

... thats a pretty open ended question honestly..
ive lived in like 15 or MORE towns , each with friend circles (and maybe not so friendly circles)
i miss alot of people.. ive been missing people ill likely never see again all my life.. its strange to wake up one day and be told that your leaving, for most people i was never even able to say goodbye too. it was just friendly whatevers one day, and i was never seen again.
on my travels from here and there, ive met some pretty hecking cool people.. and some i think of often and wish them the best with my heart and mind.
i just wish anyone wanted to see me

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

no particular order
1. important oversized black button. up dysmorphia hood
2. Mother's ashes
3. my Phoenix Phantom Series Strat
4. super pretty flower necklace
5. ancient Aztec protection idol

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy??

does a smile have to mean anything ?
i smile at every person i pass , because sometimes just a simple smile can brighten an entire person's day.
no it does not mean they necessarily like you, or intend to sleep with you.
its a gesture that we as mammals have learned to portray no ill intent.
The same way a dog will play bow , or wag its tail at another.

What does Freedom mean to you?

ive tried to answer this a couple times..
i keep deleting my answers because i am sure i have zero clue. Freedom is a figment of your , and everyone else's imagination.. im sure barely anybody could even concept what true freedom really is. That would be a scary, brutal, and an extremely trying time. Life would legitimately be "scary".
i see worlds like that in my dreams. True freedom.
its scary..
scary enough that i dont want to think about it.
so I guess owning my own apartment. Thats as close to "freedom" as I will likely get.
what does it mean to me ?
im learning more and more everyday about how it means the most.

As-vous déjà joué au tennis ?

yeppers ! not bad at it either ^-^
sometimes im scared of the ball if its served harder than necessary but im a baby soooo

What's more valuable, brains or beauty?

i had originally thought this question was dumb, as appointing monetary values to such things would kinda be arbitrary, but in a way each have their own monetary gains.
honestly in a "fashion over function sense" beauty is valued more (in today's society) and can be much easier to get things done, have a interesting social life, even finding work is easier when your face is easy on the eyes..
but never EVER doubt the usefulness or value, of being intelligent.. with 8.5 billion people on the earth, true intelligence is getting rare.. alot of people spend their time making intelligent folks feel bad, and that they shouldn't spend their time learning, trash them and make them feel like a know it all..
its just pure jealousy.
kinda pathetic really.

Who would you like to be in a music band or who you imagine yourself when listening to your favourite band (drummer, bass player, solo or rhythm guitarist, vocalist)?

ive wanted to start a band forever.. just don't have the connections.. or the equipment anymore. The only.time i came close to having people for a band, one was heavily schizophrenic, with disturbances every minute or so, sometimes multiple times a minute, and a sever alcoholic with emotional issues, who can't play ANYTHING but Metallica. Even when he tried to play his own riff, all it ever sounded like was Metallica.
It pissed me right off.
Metallica is so over rated.

Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

it goes both ways i would suppose.
both have their merits.
a conversation would require both ..
i love listening, and I have a terrible habit of talking. About anything. sometimes about nothing at all.
depends i guess.

What is the one thing you regret doing or not doing the most in your life?

Two things come to mind.
1. upon moving to Guelph, I got mixed up with some shitty people (nothing new) , and started taking acid, smoking ass tons of weed, xannies all type of shit. at 15/16. When im supposed to be in class completing my grade 10. i just figured I'd do it later.. if I knew how hard my life was gonna be , I would have just said fuck that, no way.. but I didn't. Now I just never have the time. i only have like 5 credits left too.
2. Not getting in their dads truck. My dogs were already there waiting for me. They were there waiting for me.. I had everything I needed.. anything else could have been replaced.. im a pro at ruining my own happiness. an absolute goddess at destroying my own life.

favorite desserts?

- that apple cranberry sauce that you get in some hungry man dinners
-triple chocolate fudge cakes
- tiger tail ice cream <3

What’s the first thing you notice about people? ?

their eyes <3
Also things like the state of their hair, and their general demeanor.
also will check your shoes as im kinda a sneakerhead <3 won't judge you if you aren't wearing something over the top, as thats kinda elitist, and not everyone can afford nice kicks,
i cant even 90% of the time , but when i can , shoe shopping is my first destination.

If you were on an uninhabited island with only 5 songs on your iPod, what would these songs be?

first off, who only has 5 songs in their iTunes? If I synced my ipod to my iTunes, id end up with about 4k songs on it, it would physically be impossible (at least for me) to have 5 songs on an apple device, simply because iTunes searches all media folders for music, and unless otherwise told to, will write as much of that music as it can to the device during a sync.
but for the sake of the argument
1. Melancholy Hill- Gorillaz
2. anysongthatmakesmethingofthem
3. Ocean Drive - MiamiNights1984
4. Belus Doed -Burzum
5. Freezing Moon- Mayhem

Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?👦

no. i hate the idea that im not in control of my own life.
though you can hate something with every fibre of your being, it doesn't make it any less true, or any less real.
i would suppose my destiny is too experience hardships. just as Job had been cursed to lose everything they earned from the moment he was concepted, as was i.
its destiny. pure fate. No matter what im in control of, no matter how hard i work towards goals and ambitions, some outward force decides, no. I am simply NOT to do that. Or go there. Or have that nice thing , or know this person who means everything to me . No , you can't reside in a stable household, nor enjoy any of your company if you are. i am destined to experience pain, sadness and the purest form of melancholy.
if anything in my life had been even slightly different, i would have never said such a ridiculous thing. but it wasn't.

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What does true friendship mean to you?

to me ? ive never had "true friends" at least recently enough that I could somehow spin it into a 6 paragraph response. after typing a 6 paragraph response ANYWAYS, i realized I was answering the question wrong.
true friendship is almost somewhat a hoax, and I find most friendships mundane, as most are just using you , for literally anything, a place to stay, a place to hang out, your alcohol, your weed, your connections, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, you name it there's someone who will take it from you.
true friendship is a very special thing, and means a fuck of alot. Despite saying all the time that I have no friends , thats not entirely true, im lucky enough to have a true friend or two, someone you dont need to talk to everyday, but when they have a bad day, or you have one , they are the first person making you feel better, you both understand you live seperate lives, but are still there for each other if need be.
true friendship is NOT writing streaks over a black photo for the 1000th time in a row. do you even know that person ? all you do is send a black screen saying streaks ?? what about that screams emotional connection to you? People that do this i almost feel are quite vain, doing the most pointless silly things in order to feel wanted , or that they have "meaningful" connections with people

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Language: English