

Ask @VoidMuse

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I like him a lot but he’s not interested. Im embarrassed idk why

Well, explore those feelings and get to the bottom of it then.

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It's funny because you have very high standards when it comes to women as far as sexually you know what I'm talking about you're picky body wise yet you know that our brains are so good for each other who said I even wanted you sexually I didn't want that I wanted so much more you silly goose

Oh? Well then I guess you did good? Not sure what this means

Do you compare your life to others that you know?

I used to, now I just compare myself to my own past

It's a shame that you think the way you do and you are the Way you are I often think if I had just met you before you became "this" I bet you think a lot differently and trust people a little more it's really sad I bet you were a beautiful person before all of this I would have liked to see you then

This is starting to sound pretty high and mighty

Is everyone a mirror or just you? If everyone is not meant to be trusted, does that mean you can’t be trusted? Or if you see me as a monster, is that because you’ve always been one? I do believe it’s all deflection really and you’re a wizard at it.


we both know that I saved at least your life. You gotta carry the weight just like I do.

How did you save my life? I don't need to carry something pointlessly

I’m reaching a breaking point. Im unsure if I want this career or not because I really don’t like people. I hate my friends I don’t like the city im in. I don’t trust the people here in this city so I don’t have any friends. The only safe haven I have is the internet and my pets. I really hate human

jamaljennings9’s Profile PhotoJamal E Jennings
Well vent to me and we can get through it. I've been there before so just know you aren't alone.

Hurt people hurt people is how you try to explain your actions

This is just a sad truth of the world

is it true that if a woman sleeps with multiple men, when she gets pregnant her baby will have the dna of all the men she'd slept with?

Not at all


Language: English