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Do you think about someone more than you should?

Yeah for the most part, but she maybe better off without me

Who do you miss right now?

an ex, part of me hates to admit it but she was different from the others or at least I like to believe

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I really feel like 2023 is my final straw year. My transitional phase.Out with the old. A lot of things ended permanently. For Good a lot of people were removed from my life a lot of things changed me and opened my eyes.

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Ever met a new romantic interest who says, does and wants all the right things, melts your heart, adores you intensely but it seems too good to be true? 🥹


Would you live at Florida or would you live at California

Hmm I honestly don’t know I’m thinking Florida but I need a high and I mean a high ass paying job

If I block you and you find another way to contact me, we’re giving it another shot 🤣😂

In some ways I can see why lol

When you think of someone a lot does that mean they’re thinking of you to?

That’s the theory, but it could also vary so I’d say 50/50

Oooohhh how you like anon mode now???? I know you know me :)))$))))!))))))!!!

….. How many people fall for this?

If you had to talk to only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

I honestly don’t know

do you prefer to stay away from certain people and their bs

ehh depends I usually can spot bullshit but keep the information to myself until it’s time to reveal

How old is everyone here? I need to find people in my age range (early 20s) I don't wanna talk to a bunch of middle aged creeps who are old enough to be my parents


I won’t stop loving the idea of you until I find someone to love me more than what I thought I saw from you and they way I felt with you. Dam that was so rare! When will I get it again?!

People actually fell for this 🤨


Language: English