

Ask @WardaHassan

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3aref lw shafet Donya de ht3mel fek eh? =))
Donia* :D
Okay ..
Donia is someone I knew 5 years ago, we were in Prep 1, She was that Philippine quite girl, with that straight amazing hair..
I used to play at play with her hair all the time =))
We stopped talking at prep 2, then at prep 3 we started talking on the phone again, she told me her problems and what's going on into her life..
Then I traveld to ksa .. We used to talk on the internet for hoouurs, it was always laughter and jokes.
We weren't very close..
Then I came back from ksa, I went to 3smat abdelmged school :|
She was the first person who stood beside me, we became extremely close at a very short time..
We spent many amazing times togther at school..<3!
I used to talk to her on the phone for hours..
Last year, We used to go to school together, I used to tell her everything, She always listend to me, and made me feel better..
She made me feel really speical and different, for the first time she was honest with someone, for the first time she used to let her feelings out.. And that someone WAS me..
That made me feel really speical at that time .. Mid-term holiday our long conversations at night, me calling her crying, sharing with her everything .. Honestly at that time she was the only one there for me.
Then I travelld we had so much problems but we went through them all
I came back, first term of this year, she came into my house to see me after I came from ksa .. Maybe that's my fav. Memory with her when we sat at my granny's house talking for 5 hours about everything .. I hugged her and she cried ..
And by the end of the first term was my favorite memories with her too .. And her birthday was really speical <3!!
Anyway I love her so much, I have so many special memories with her, she's different than others <3
I understand her the most, I know she's beautiful inside .. No matter what happend I'll always love her
She's that one friend I never wanna lose
She's that one friend who came into my house after last term's big fight with Salma to make me feel better
She's that one friend I love and trust
She bought me chocolate today :p<3
Donia Tarek Mahmoud actually I love you so much
No matter how much I have un-said feelings inside for you .. :)
But you're one of a kind
Nothing will ever describe how much I love you
Can't imagine my life no matter what <3<3<3!

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a 27'er 7aga mahmod 2alheek?

Heya de kelmet 2lhalek?
Okay whatever
On the phone half an hour ago =))
Ana b7bek awi, sa7eny kaman sa3ten, bby y hbbty :$
Eh l so2al l 3ageb da? =))
Byfkrni b "eh sh3orak b3d el natta?" =)))

what does friendship mean to you??

Such an important thing in my life
Crazy friends, Dramas, Fights, Phone calls, Cryying..
Finding out someone pretented to love you and talkes behind your back
Someone who sees himself always right
Someone's mother came and insult me infront of the whole school
My bestfriend ever has a new bestfriend now
My new bestfriend fights with me everyday
My cousin is always broken that she can't even be there
Another bestfriend cares about her boyfriend only
All these things, at the same time, I act normal, they're always on my mind, non of them know, how they hurt me everyday, I used ot it, it's been for 1 year this way, and I'm okay.
Even though maybe I'm not perfect friend for all of them, sometimes I carless, maybe I ingore them, maybe I hurt them, way too honest sometimes..
But I love them
I love every single thing about each one of them, I never wanna lose anyone of them, they're my joy and happiness and my life
I always end up forgiving everyone , cause I don't really like losing people.
Losing someone is letting them go, buut no matter what their memories will never leave, when you see them you'll get a really huge flashback of every single thing you did togther. You know what? That hurts :')
I have tired that shit before and I know what it feesl like
That's why I'm trying not to lose any of them
I always mange to be their for them, help them whenever they need me, listen and understand.
Sometimes I'm not really sorry, but I force myself to say it because I really don't wanna ruien my friendship with them
Sometimes I'm really fun and outgoing, sometimes I cry at home and nobody knows
I spend million times with everyone, I cried with everyone, I shared secrets, I did evil stuff.
Friendship? Friendship is a toic who keep hurting me everyday but I'll never get tired of
I can't live without any of my friends
Sometimes they make me really happy and sometimes I wish I never met them
They mean a lot to me, more than they can eveer imagine
I know mannny takes behing my back, say the shittest stuff about me even though they're my bestfriends :')
Maybe for the first time I say this in public, I only say that everyday to my boyfriend, he tells me that I have the key for fixing all this, make distances between me and them
I tell him everyday that I can't make distances with girls that mean the world to me
Can't forget a girl I laughed with, or cried on her shoulder, or helped me through the shittest stuff
I love all of you, each one of you mean really a lot to me.
You're all amazing and beautifull and no matter what happend later, you're stuck in my memory guys..

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what made you happy today ?

I was sleeping and I just woke up
I found a bc on my bbm by Feyyrrouzi that made me happily cry :|♥
Unmark;Fayrouzaa=E> 129↓:
آآنآ معهآ آشعر بقممَة سعآدتي ♡♡($’
حتى وآن كآن في قلبي شيئآ من آلحزن ؛/
آستمتع عندمآ نضحك سويآ فحينهاآ ,
آشعر حقآ بآ آنني آضحك من آعممآقي ;(
آححب ضحكآتهآ مزاححهآ جنونهآ فلآ جنون ممثل جنونهآ ♡’
أحب ححقآ وجودي معهآ ؛ وتعلقي بهأ أحبهأ '
عندمآ نمحي هموم بعض وعندمآ نخفف عن بعضنآ كل آلم .')  
هي نبضي ويمكنكم القول انھآ أنا ♡’
هي التي ما يسعدهآ يسعدني ♡’
هي التي مايزعلھآ يبككككيني ♡’
هي الاقرب لي لحظات ساعة ضيقي ♡’
هي الدواء ان تعبت ♡
هي حبيبتي كما يظنھا الاخرون ♡’
وهي توأمي كما ظن البعض الآخر ♡’
هي ذلك الذي ينبض يساري ♡’
هي الاكسجين فإن انقطعت لم يعد لي وجود ♡’
هي الروح هي النبض ♡’
هي كل ما املكك ♡’
هي التي تعلم تفاصيل يومي واعلم تفاصيل يومھا ♡’
هي كوني وحياتي فأنا ﻻ اطييق العيش لثواني دونھا ♡’
هي التي تبعععد عني ضيقتي مھما كان كبر حجمھا ♡’
هي التي تھتم بأدق تفاصيلي ♡’
هي علبة اسراري فانا اخجل ان افعل شيء دون ان اقول لھا ♡’
هي التي غيرت مسار حياتي الى الاجمل والاجمل والاجمل ♡’
هي فقطط من ارتاح عندما احادثھا او اسمع صوتھا ♡’
هي التي انستني مـاضي يؤلمني ♡’
هي التي لن تكفي وصفها 19 جملہ ♡’
اخبريهم يَ ,(WARDA<3) انككِ مختلفه عنھم تماما ‘$♡

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