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ya3ni msh helwa?

walahy el 7lawa msh b el shakl ana bashof nfsi 3adeya :D msh amooraaaa b2a w kda, no ana 3adeya
5l2a mn 5la2 rapena y3ne =))
w kaman ama 7ad y7beny w y7eb sha5syti hayshofni a7la mn bnat a7la meny kteer :)
momken 7d mayb2ash helw khales w 3shan bt7bo awi w sha5syeto helwa awwi y5lek tshofo helw :)

Facts about Donia tarek (H) =))=)) Donia tarek

133. you love having lunch at restaurants
134., You hate heart breakers
135. You wish the best for everyone
136. msh bt7bi t3yati odam hd
137. kalam el nas msh byksrek bl3ks by2wekyy
138, msh bt7by teb2y sabab f mashkel l hd
139. msh bt3trdi keter
140. msh bt2l3i el 5atem ely babaky gayebholek =))
141. hatb2y om gamela <33
142. your mother is your role model
143. 7anona =))
144. nfsek f oda lw7dek =))
145. bt7eby jay sean -.-
146. Your bestfriends lately have been most boys cause you're trying to avoid girl's shits =))
147. bt3rfy trf3y m3nwyat ely odamek
148. you look exactly like el dabdob =))
149. msh bt7by tgra7y 7d b kalmek cause you know what it feels like
150. bt7oty lipgloss bs =))
151. bttl3i 2osa mn el tar7a =))
152. nfsek temshy mn massssssssr =))
153. bnt7eby el hzar w el farfsha =))
154. yban 3leky asghar mn kda b kteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer =))
155., bt7eby el cakes =))
156. You love pepsi and pizza
157. You've been though alot
158. mo3zam el nas fakra enha 3rfaky bs m7desh bgd y3rfek awi gher 7aba soghyren
159. msh bttlobi haga gher en el nas t3mlek kowis w tfhamek
160. bttksfi bsor3a awi =))
161. ama 7d by2olek haga helwa bt7oty weshek f l ard w td7aki de7ka cute
162. You're always ready to help everybody
163. You can give really good advises
164. aktar wa7da bt3mel likes 3la kol haga w ay haga :|
165. btt3rky m3ya ana w mayar keter =)) bs isa msh h7sal tany i believe in that xx
166. btz3ali 3ali bt7ebhom awi lw garlhom haga
167. You hate remembering memories of someone you no longer talk to
168. The smallest things means the most to you
169. bt7eby el 3'wame2 -.- =))
170. msh bthtamy b el mzaker wla bt7komy behha
171. dersek bywg3ek w msh btro7i ll dr :D
172. tamo77a
173. 3ndek a7lak ketera awi w nfsek t722eha
174. shayfa nfsek msh cute bs enty cute -.-
175. bttfrgy 3la fare7a :)
176. nfsek t5oshi kolyet handsa
178. bt7eby el math gedan
179, btrsmi helw awi <33
180. Me, Mayar, Asser, Amir, and Bassam are your bestfriends
181. Loveeelly =))
182. bt7eby t3odi 3l net keter awi
183. btl3abi so many fb games :|
184. msh bt7by t3mli haga ghlat abdan
185. You trust your mother more than anyone
186. nfsek haytek ama tkbri tkon a7san mn now keter w t2dary tstmt3i beha
187. Grey is colorek el modfal =))
188. 3ndeeeeeyya w dmaghek nashfa :|
189. nfsek ykon your future home simple gedan
190. al2na mn el sana ely gaya
191. nfsek t5ali ur parents proud of you
192. msh bt3rfy t3odi f makan mtws5 =))
193. bt7oty perfume keteeeer =))
194, kol hamek f l most2bal hayb2a enk t5ali ur kids 7aythom a7san mn 7aytek :D
195. mabsota en ana w enty w mayar rag3na nklm ;;)
196. You don't give a shit about those who don't like you
197. You prove to everyone everyday that you're the most amazing person we can ever know xx
198. bt7beny gedan (H)(H)(H)=))
199. 3mlali surprise w msh 2ylali 3leha :(
200. This isn't a fact bs I love you more than you can ever imagine ♥

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Facts about Donia tarek (H) =))=)) Donia tarek.

67. You wish if you could go to Philippine and see your whole mother's family there
68. You would do anything to see the people you love happy
69. You wish if you could have seen your Grandmother "may her soul rest in peace"
70. You consider your father's family as stranger m3daa Ahmed ta2reban =))
71. You love touch mobiles 3mtan =))
72. You don't smile to anyone
73. Creative gedan
74. You love el hagat el was33a =))
75. you love boyfriendeek <3
76. You hate stupid people =))
77. bt7eby Mayar Shrimb gedaaan ;;)
78. motsam7a
79. You can give second chances but not always
80. You're always afraid of being hurt over the same thing
81. you never forget
82. you can make really good memories with everyone
83. bthtamy b ely 7awleky aktar mn nfsek
84. 3ed meladek yom 11/1
85. msh btkzeebyy
86. 2amenna
87. Easy to be trusted
88. 3andek 17 sana =))
89. etwldty f 1996 (H) =))
90. you're always afraid of losing the ones you love
91. You love being alone sometimes it makes you feel better
92. You keep too many stuff running in your head
93. you're soooooo strong
94, msh btfra7y b sholaa
95. Mimi bynot 3leky 3shan ys7eki mn el noom =))
96. You prefer dogs than people
97. You're so cuuuuuuute xx
98. ma2as reglek 37 :') =))
99. mosrefa :|
100. You're your mother's bestfriend
101. You'd give everything to see your mother healthy and happy
102. You just understand your brother so much
103. You always try to find something .. hope to hold on to
104. No matter how many times you fall you always mange to get up
105. 5atek to7fa :|=))
106. bt7afzy 3l haga =))
107. moltzema bto2fy f l tabor w t3mli homework w kda =))
108. The past 2 years ba2ety bt5orgy w btnzli lw7dek w da 5ala 7aytek a7san keter
109. You don't like makeup =))
110. btegry bsor3a =))
111. you love chocolates ..
112. You love simple surprises and presents
113. you're very simple person
114. msh motf2la =))
115. you hate egypt w el nas ely feha w tafkerhom =))
116. msh bt7komi 3la 7d gher ama teb2y 3arfah awii
117. Your hug is the best place I can be
118. Crying make you feel better
119. You have amazing brown hazel eyes xx
120. You hair is bery straight and long <3 masha'alahh
121. you've got your dady's skin color
122. you've got your mother's hair and eyes
123. you want to be happy
124. Money doesn't matter to you
125. dayman btedy el nas el fa2era flos xx
126. mahma 7d 3amlek msh bt7by tsaw2i sorto aw t3odi tshtmeh w el 7arkat de
127. You watch alot of cartoons with your brother =))
128. bt3rafi tghseli maw3en =))
129. You love to have privacy
130. You love knowing that someone is smiling because of you
131. You love romantic movies =))
132. you wish to be with your husband and people point to you and wish to be like those old couples

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Facts about Donia tarek (H) =))=))

msh kefya saktlek 3la Donia Tarek kaman 3yza facts? =))
Okay na ha7wel akteb 3la ad ma a2dr
1. Esmek el kamel Donia Tarek Mahmoud Mohamed Mansor Nada
2. Sakna f 45 =))
3. bt7eby mac =))
4. Your mother means so much to you
5. Bt7eby stitch -.- =)) awwwwwwii
6. You have a beautiful smile
7. You're perfect at faking your smile -.-
8. You don't love being with normal people, only the close ones
10. Got 1 brothers Mimi w 7oda =))
11. kan 3ndek kalp esmo ra3d w z3lana 3leh :(
12. sotek rofyyaaaaaa3 w baby sot kda =))
13. I love your laugh xx
15. dabdoobbyy =))
16. 3ndek boyfriend esmo Omar Eltorky =))
17. nemret mobilek **************** =)) na 7afzha btw :> =))
18. btfkri tgeby bb \:D/ <333333
19. lama bnt5asem msh bt3odi 3l yahoo keter =))
20. enty 3l fb haga w 3l 7a2e2a haga tanya khales
21. People judge you so fast
22. tayebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbba awwwwwwwwwwwii
23. kareeemma gedaaaaaaan =))
24. bnt3rko kol yom 3shan btdf3i flos el mashro3 w el toktok -.-
25. btakli sweets keter :D
26. You have so many secrets
27. You're always afraid of being hurt
28. You aren't brave enough to let your feelings out
29. nasheetta =))
30. monzma :|
31. ama bt3yati btb2i shabah baby 3ndo 2 months =))
32. sakna f l dor l sabe3 =))
33. You love your brother gedaaaaaan =))
34. You love your father and you wish lw kan y2rab menek aktar
35. bt2dary el zrof
36. saboora
37. bt2dri tst7mli ay haga w tt3ayshi m3a ely enty feh
38. regleky soghyyra =))
39. dawfrek bttwal b sor3et el bar2 :)
40. bt7eby el fool ely na bagebu mn el ragel ely ta7tena bs bygblek taklos f el me3da =))
41. You love coming to my house (H)
42. You're the craziest person ever, the closest to you only can see that
43. You're MiiMii's second mother =))
44. You love animals =))
45. Open minded <3
46. Careful
47. Caring
48. Smaart
49. Not wild
50. You love mangoo =))
51. msh tam3a
52. You give too much sometimes maybe more than you should
53, You're very senstive
54. Hard to obey
55. You're closing your heart you won't let anyone new entre :D
56. You look shorter beside tall people like me (H)
57. You're fun to be with xx
58. Lama btzakri kowis w b tarkez btb2i shattouura ;;)
59. btegy 3la nfsek keter awi
60. bt7eby terdy kol ely 7awleky
61. You're trying as hard as you can to be a better person everyday
62. mo7trrmma
63. flbneya w spanich w american w egyptian wkol ly albek y7eeboo =))
64. You have a sisterin Philippine

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Donia tarek :P =))

Keda y Dodo? =)) bt3mli m3ya kda? ekmeny y3ne et3shmt feky w s2ltek t3mli kda? =))
OKAY FIRST OF ALL 3YZA A2OL L KOL EL NAS ELY 3ARFA ENNA BNT5ASEM W NTSAL7 KOL SHOWIA, I wanna tell them that everytime both of us said that we're never going to talk again..They were because we love each others so much I swear :D
Me and you fought so much but I realize everytime we fight and start taking again our friendship becomes stronger and better and way healthier ♥♥
You means so much to me more than you and anyone could ever think ..
I love you so much and when I'm with you I feel very comfortable, and I feel something really different and special when I'm with you ♥
You make me smile while I'm texting you on the phone ♥ I never get bored talking to you♥
You're always there for me and you always try to make me feel better ♥
The last time we weren't talking I though that we're never going to talk again and that we lost each others forever, so that's why when we started talking again I was so happy cause I felt like I lost you and it was hurting me ♥
You're the only person that I love staying alone with after my bf, I feel more comfrtable when it's just me and you where we can just get all of the feelings we have♥
We've made so much memories, even more than people that I've known for so long time♥
When you give someone all of your care and love, I swear that, that person would be the happiest person ever !!♥ Cause when you give you give too much♥
I don't know what to say walahy :( =))
You make me laugh till my stomach hurts♥ You make me really happen even though really few people who can make me happy♥
You're my mother's favorite friend -.- =))
You're such a kind and pure person, people judge you so fast because you like to sit alone, or you love to be with just only your bestfriend .. They don't know that you're trying to avoid their shit =))
When you countdown-ed for my birthday I swear my heart was jumping cause non of my friend remembered :D♥
I miss you so much .. and I really wanna sit for you for about a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekk =))♥
I know we'll be friends and sisters forever no matter what♥
You keep all of my secrets, you understand me and my feelings♥ You treat me like I wanna be treated♥ You care about me so much♥
Donia Tarek you make me fall in love with you everyday over and over again♥♥
You're kind of the only friend who wishes for me the best, and never get jealous♥
You're the one I can tell everything without being afraid of judged, Whenever I feel like crying I talk to you♥
Walah bahbbek keter w enty bt3rfi had :( =))
I can't wait to know ht3mli eh f my bday :(♥
Enty gammeella bggd♥
I just love you and I really wanna be with you right noooooow :((:((
You know what you mean to me even my feelings are too much I can't write them all :|♥
bahhbbeeeeeeeeekkkyyy y dabbddoobbyy bahbbeeekyy♥♥
Rapena ykhlleekyy leyya xx
w mardodalak asa7by ezbor 3lya =)) :>

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