

Ask @WardaHassan

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I know I know =)):P
I love you way more walahy y mayouuurrtttii <3333333
Liked by: Donia

wardaz :D 1.bt3mly eh lma btb2y m5no2a ? 2.aktr fatra konty fr7ana feha ?!

Okay lama bab2a ma5no2a bakol chocolate =))
w baklem ay hd f l mobile yd7knyy :D w bal3ab m3a a5oya PS =))
aktar fatra kont far7na feha :-? mn awel sha'hr 1O ely fat l7d sha'hr 12 <333
Liked by: Donia Disha

Nada abdelrazek ?

Natttaaaaaaaa <3
Omg she's my cute little sister <3 batrekty el so3'nona =))<3
Okay I love Nada so much <3
a3rfha b2ali 5 years so 3shret sneen <3
gad3a gedan gedan <3 secret keeper <3 caring awe <3 she has always been there for me like alwaaaaaaayys bgd<3
she's crazy, fun, and outgoing <3
msh 7akoda -.- she loves my honesty brdu (H)<3 btsty7mlny w na mt3spa :x
She's my boyfriend's twin :|=)) shabah b3d gedan -.- =))
Ndefa w btgeb mn m7lat marka b2a w kdsha =))))
God bless her for me she's always going to be my sweet cute bestfriend<3
God bless her<3
Liked by: Donia LIKES

reem ghonim :) ?

w howa eh lazmet el ":)" f l 7war? =)):D
Okaay Reeeemmmii<3
She's a great person actually, tayebba gedan, people judge her like ay nas mot5lfen by3do y3mlo judging mn gher ma y3rfo haga !
Bs bgd lw y3rfoha kowys heya ensana tayeba gedan w kowysa awe <3 he's helpfull :x
She've got a very strong personality, I love her so so much actually, Proud to know her !
I wish her all the luck in her life <3333
Liked by: Donia karemayala24

mayar shoaib ? hager adel ibrahim ?

Kda keter mashy? :D
Okay Mayaaaaar :|
Mayoouurttii <33
bahebha bahebhha gedaaan <3
She's such an amazing person and perfect bestfriend ! She's always there whenever I need her, she never talks behind my back, She's so cute and very sweet, she knows all my secrets, She's the best adviser ever, I feel like she's my mommy I run at her and tell her everything whenever I'm in trouble or sad .. or whatever !
She's a lovely person who wishes the best for you .. She's not fake like others :D She loves my honesty <3333333333 =)), She's open minded :x , gad3a gedan she helped me through alot <3
I always feel like she's here with me .. I never felt the distance between us actually ! even she's there for me more than the people who live here actually and get to see me everyday
Can't pass a day without talking to her and checking on her, She cares about me so much <333
btst7mlny w na mt3spa w m5no2a w mdy2a w b2ol kalam zy el zvt =)) w de haga so important msh bl2eha f kol el nas <3 cause she knows when I'm mad I don't mean any of my actions or words :(
She's really a gorgeous person and she knows who she is to me :@
Hagaaaaaar <33
GiiGii <3
I've known her for two years now, w b2ena close friends oryeeb, Okay GiiGii is such an amazing person bgggggggd<3 I love her so much, I trust her, she's like a sister to me..One of the cutest persons with the most pure hearts you can ever meet
She's really going out .. Now I'm addicted can't go out without her :P she always makes my day whenever she's with me <3 she's really a fun person :x
She's really simple .. She's such an amazing strong girl !
I love her so much and I'm glad I met someone like her actually cause she's one in a million .. And I'm happy we're closer friends now <3

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fayroz ahmd ?

OMG hayaaattii Fezzzzzoo <33333333
She's the funniest person I've ever met bgd btfslny de7kk :x baheb aghls 3leha gedan f l class 3shan t3mel ay haga funny w a3od ad7ak =)):x
she's a true friend w gad3a aweeeeeee bgd <3
mn a7san el nas elyu abtlha f l school de ^_^
I love her so much <333
Liked by: Donia Eslam Samir

warda enty mohtrma 3an fayroz w ht5liky mi4 mohtrma

Okay first of all Fayrouz mohtrma ghzb 3nak w 3n ay hd okay? :)
sanyaan b2a if u judge her for her past then enta teb2a ensan/a mared/a :D
I don't care who she were in the past all I care about is who she is now ! she's such an amazing good person w mo7trma 3n nas keter awe 3mlen nfshom mo7trmen ! she's true and she's not fake
she became such a great person now actually
If you don't know her don't judge her okay? :D
w read my bio !!!

tyb eh ra2yek feh ely bytl3o sh3rhom mn eltr7a ?

Brdu de haga msh kowysa w el mfrod my3mlosh kda l2enhom bybwzo 7gbhoom
Liked by: Donia


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