

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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do you like mint flavored things? do you like lemon flavored things? do you like coffee flavored things?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
Sometimes. But mostly just gum I’m not a fan of mint flavored dessert.
I love lemon flavored things. Like the yellow starbursts are my favorite.
110% yes coffee flavored things are incredible
Liked by: eggsy

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what’s you opinion on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
They are okay. I was eating them everyday when I was still in school because they were easy to eat on the drive from school to work every night but I won’t just sit and eat one becAuse I got sick of them.
Liked by: eggsy

Do you have a nice smile? Pap for our viewing audience!

This is super cheesy but it’s also very current. lol.
Do you have a nice smile Pap for our viewing audience
Liked by: Doug

(so many people have told me that To Kill a Mockingbird is there favorite book!) those of you who have read it, which is most of you, did you like it? what did you like so much about it? if it’s one of your all time favorite books, why?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I loved it. It was one of the first books I read for school that I actually enjoyed. Which could have been because it was summer homework so I didn’t have to read it at a certain pace. I own the book and highlighted all the phrases/quotes that I live because it was just so beautifully written and I loved the storyline. I also may have cried reading it. Lol.
Liked by: eggsy

i think abt complicated things all day! i also think abt stupid things. do u enjoy more complicated political/philosophical questions or random stuff abt Disney channel and bagels and movies lol

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I enjoy both. I love being able to think hard about something but those also take me longer to answer where as the simple and shorter ones I can just answer almost all at once.
Liked by: eggsy

How much money have you spent today and on what?

$50 ish. I bought two swimsuits and then I got my lashes filled.
Liked by: Blair

have u ever been on a cruise

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I haven’t been. But it’s not something I’d want to do either. I’d rather just fly somewhere cool and be there for multiple days than spending multiple days on a boat and only being somewhere cool for a little bit.
Liked by: eggsy

How do you spend the majority of your free time?

I don’t really get a whole lot of free time. I’m pretty busy all the time and if I’m not during the day I’ll lay out and tan or just End up spending money that I shouldn’t spend.


Language: English