

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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20. What is your favourite class? Least favourite?

My favorite is my language arts class or my History class not because of the subject but the teachers/students in those classes. My least favorite is Science because of the teacher mainly also I've always hated science

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1/10: What is your favorite time of the year? What is it that you like about it?

questionspage22’s Profile PhotoSpam Account
Summer time and summer for me is 82 days away. I love the weather and the simplicity of no school. And even though my birthday is at the end of the summer it's still in summer.
Liked by: Spam Account

3/10: If you have kids, what is your favorite thing about being a parent? If not, would you like to have kids in the future?

questionspage22’s Profile PhotoSpam Account
I think I want kids. Lol. But I don't know anymore I really only want 1 or 2 now days. I used to what a bunch but that's changed.
Liked by: Spam Account

Would you ever drive a car if you forgot your license at home?

Probably not. Like if i was less then 5 minutes from my house than maybe but other than that probably not.

7/10: What is the last goal you set that you worked and achieved?

questionspage22’s Profile PhotoSpam Account
Finsishing season 3 this weekend of OTH. I completed that about an hour ago and than was contemplating getting sleep tonight or not but I decided to go to bed see you all in the morning 😘
Liked by: Spam Account

4/10: Are you in a relationship? If so, describe your partner. If not, what do you look for in a parter?

questionspage22’s Profile PhotoSpam Account
I'm a single Pringle I look for someone who wants to be with me. They care about me. They care about family and family always has to come first. I look for someone who will be a forever
410 Are you in a relationship If so describe your partner If not what do you
Liked by: Spam Account

When I saw that you were watching OTH, I seriously got so excited lmao!! Are you liking it so far?

sqpersonal’s Profile PhotoHaley
I LOVE it. I've finished almost 3 seasons since Sunday night. And it just is so real that I love it.
Liked by: Haley


Language: English