

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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I'm really happy you feel that way

Well you shouldn't judge people on the way they want to dress clothes don't necessarily have a gender

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Do you prefer headphones or earbuds?

I think they are the same thing to me at least but I use what most people call earbuds always but I call them headphones

Do you think it's okay to be friends with an ex while in a committed relationship with someone else?

Yes for the most part. As long as their aren't any romantic feelings any more I don't see a problem.

What is one piece of advice you would give to somebody starting their teenage years?

questionspage22’s Profile PhotoSpam Account
Your teen years aren't going to be the best years and tent aren't like they are in the movies. Your constantly tired but just make sure your main focus is school and don't let yourself fall behind
Liked by: Spam Account

If you follow me, what was the FIRST thing about me or my profile that made you follow me?

jenniferrr16’s Profile Photojennifer.✌
I followed you on my spam account. And I saw how you answered your questions so I followed you on this account. And I love following you.
Liked by: jennifer.✌

Do you block people on Instagram?

Yes I could have had well over 200 followers by now but on my new account I'm blocking anyone that follows me and only posts about selling things. Or accounts that follow over 8,000 people and only post about products.

Is there a celebrity you really look up to? Why?

Kesha. I've always loved even when everyone hated her and said she was crazy. I think she is so incredible

Do you like rap? If so, who's your favorite rapper?

Ehh. It's a whatever for me. I don't love it at all. But some of it can be good. Like yesterday these two boys in my grade wrote and rapped a song and they were so good. But I don't have a favorite.

BQOTD: When it comes to your personal views and opinions, are you open in terms of discussing them or are you one to keep hush hush about them? Why?

I don't discuss them too awfully much. Like on here I do some of the time but in real life I like to keep my opinions to myself unless it's me and my mom then I express my opinion openly and I'm extremely honest. But I usually keep quiet because I'm extremely shy and talk to literally no one ever.

Is traffic really bad where you live? Are there times of the day you avoid going out because you know that's when traffic is the worse?

It's usually not bad. Or at least when I'm in the car. But the worst time is 5:15-7 pm that is when their is the most traffic

Do you have any unpopular opinions that you hold really really strongly? If so what is it/what are they?

I have more than this but I'm only listing these ones right now. Lol
-baby circumcision is unnecessary
-Obama isn't horrible
-school lunch isn't disgusting
-white people dont experience racism
-camping isn't fun.

Who do you want to be president? (And are you voting?)

Anyone but trump or Clinton but I literally don't know much about it so I'm not going to pick a person. And no I cannot legally vote
Liked by: Paris Carter

Are you planning on attending uni to work in your dream job?

Like a University? If so just college/cosmetology school


Language: English