
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

If I was born a dude I would have had my brother's name: Alden. So you have that. C:

If you could instantly speak any language in the world, what would it be?

Italian or Japanese, like holy shit man

Have you seen anything weird lately?

/casual sideglance towards friends ... /casual glance back to question. Well you see--

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Wahhh that's hard to explain too but I'll try so when I sing after a while I lose breath or my throat hurts is it my posture then or..? ^^;

Huh ... not giving me much to go off of, but yes. Part of it could be due to your posture, if your not properly aligning your body to use all of your singing muscles to your advantage. Part of it can also be your current singing technique, as you say your throat hurts too? It could also be that you just need to keep at it to lengthen your singing endurance ; u ;)/
(Sorry for super general answer but these are all just assumptions from what little you've told me, ahah)

I tried singing and its always hard for me not to lose my voice can you help me...?

Hm? :'o Losing your voice how ..? Can you explain that bit? c:

Do you have a lot of respect for vegetarians?

Yeah? o__o What does them being vegetarian have to do with my respect for them, LOL

I really really love your songs, especially Sentimental Love Heart! You really inspired me to want to sing >.<. B-but I never sang before, do you mind sharing how you first learnt to sing? ^^;;

Thank you! That happens to be one of my favorite covers too, haha. & heee glad I inspired you!! ;w; Send me a link of your first cover, ok?
Hmm. Actually don't remember when I learned to sing? I've been singing since I was 3 years old, so I kinda grew up with singing. I did take vocal lesson for like a year or so before I quit them alongside piano, haha. Don't let that get you down though! It's all practice, practice, practice. :) (With proper breaks in between ofc.)

Do you have a preference of being called k*chan, Alleah, etc.?

Name wise? I personally don't care, hehe. Sure in collabs I'm k*chan, but if we're generally speaking then you're free to call me w/e floats your boat. (Granted it's not rude, haha)

I really love how unique your voice is! I know everyone has a different voice of course, but yours always seems to stand out and when you sing together with others it's like you just tossed your whole self into the bunch and made it even more beautiful

LOL, t-thank you so much ;;;___;;)! To be honest, I used /haaate/. Like. Absolutely hate how my voice tends to stand out more than it should ... over time I just came to accept it. But thank you! Your words are truly assuring ;w; /hugs

Ah sorry! I meant the process of figuring them out. I've always had a miserable time trying to do it myself so I was wondering how to figure them out ; v ;.

OH, okay! Yeah, harmonies can be a real pain to figure out. :( I learn most stuff by ear so once I fully learn the melody, it's a just a matter of focusing on the lines apart from that ... although some mixes make that difficult, haha.
Don't know if you play any musical instruments, but pulling up a piano certainly helps! Harmonies go hand in hand with chords, so try making chords with the melody..? ;v; Weeps. Sorry. I'm not the best person to go to for this, LOL ; Maybe Caspy or someone else can come up with a better explanation ;;


Language: English