
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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so with the question of introverted and extroverted, you're the former?

I like to think that I'm well balanced between the two, but yeah, more often than not I'm a lil introverted :)

Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

Mm. both! I like company, but i'll need time after to recharge.

When did you first fall in love?

Pre-K. There was this one cute boy all the girls had a crush on. But he gave me specharu attention EHEHEHEH~

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What do you think of a CB wherein, you're using a pseudo-alias, you're gonna do choruses/duets/solos/trios and do some quests (like a game) ? ;)

oh that sounds cool but a lot of effort LMAO

SCB is now done. When do you think is the best date for the next CB, of this level or above, should be held?

When people aren't supar busy lmao

You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose?

Water. Ya need that shit, man

I heard you're a dancer too? Plan on doing any dance covers soon?

Lmao kinda? and mmm~ maybe. You can find some of my former dance crew's stuff on YouTube though LOL

Who will be the next person you will kiss?

I don't know, when's the next time future boyfriend will come along :c

What did you feel when you first saw/watched your very first uploaded chorus?

I felt this big rush of excitement and joy. I felt really happy hearing everyone sing together in the chorus and how my voice stuck out during the solo. It was a pretty cool thing haha c:
Liked by: acca

Hey, greetings from Ukraine. v(^^,) Do you wanna visit Europe?

Hello! & aww, I'd love to visit Europe! I got a buncha friends I'd love to meet over there.

k-chan! your voice is sooo cute can I take your voice? ;v;

Glad you like my voice! ;u; Wait how do you plan on taking my voice though? OAO

What about a bucket of ice cream ON a hot man? >uOb

Woa-- Well --- yes. yes. This would be good too <>u<>)b

If you can choose between a bucket of ice cream or a hot man, which would you choose?

Oh wow asking the tough questions tonight. Let's go with bucket of ice cream. 8)

Why didn't RE:CHORD win SCB? I always thought they were topping the rankings ...

? Yes, RE:CHORD was 1st in rankings -- but only for the first two rounds, aha. Towards Round 3 and 4 other groups caught up to them. The winners were also based on the last round only, not how well a group did overall. Just how things went :B ~ (Same for ALT)

Where are you from?? Sorry if this has been asked alot, but I just found you! And your voice! I cannot handle orz its too cuteeeeeee gaaaah

ouo? Not sure what you might be asking, but I'm a Filipino that came to America from Australia ..! Yeah ouo;


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