
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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Do you think the commu will still be running after 3 years? and if so, would you stay for that 3 years or so?

It's possible? I see more and more new faces with each passing day, so I doubt we'll run out of people in the community anytime soon, haha.
As for me staying here? I don't see any reason as to why I'd leave just yet? Let's just hope I don't get superduper busy, hahah xD

I'm not really part of the community, but I've heard a lot of.. scary things about it? I really want to try being more active in it, but I'm scared of earning enemies. How about your experience in the community? Do you have close friends that you can trust?

I've heard my share of things as well, and you know what? Sure, you might here scary things here and there ... but it doesn't mean you should disregard the good things, too!
Really, what it comes down to is two main things: 1) how you present yourself and 2) who you decide to surround yourself with.
As a verse goes, "Do to others what you want done to you." So, you want kindness? Be nice to others! Want to be an ass? Well then, don't be mad when you get backlash, lmao. If you choose to be nice, great! Hope you get to make a lot of friends. However, also realize this: you can't please everybody. And that's ok, because it shows how different people will have different preferences! But for the ones that you do please ...? Yeah -- Keep them; those the ones that should matter to you.
My experience, while it is not the most "perfect" run here, is something that I can say: I'm /very/ pleased with. I've met hundreds of wonderful, beautiful and talented people here ... and from this pool, I've made a handful of bonds that I will treasure for a /lifetime/. So yeah! If you want to join our community, please do! You never know what you may find ~

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i saw you are open to duets! am am so so d-do you want to collab with me? it will be an honor to sing something with you!! i really admire you from a long time now!! <3

ıllı kєii ıllı
sure lmao, but I prefer that you have asked me through something more private, haha

If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?

Filipino food. 'Cause everyone loves Filipino food ~___~

Who's your love interest? Why are you attracted to them?

Um. None of your concern LOL, but uh. If I could sum it up ... if not for them, I probably wouldn't be around today? Like, they basically picked me up when I was /really/ down one time & somehow continue to do so, haha. I also feel a bit more comfy in my own skin just being around them. Idk. Buncha reasons. Not enough time to name them all. Why are you asking that's cr33py
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