
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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Where is the coldest place you have ever been and what was the temperature?

Where I currently live in Jersey. Pretty sure it was negatives a few weeks ago o<-<

How do you learn best: by listening, watching, reading or doing?

I think I learn through all of them equally well? A mix of these is always nice.

Yo guys why are you blaming kchan on this?? It had nothing to do with her, it was your choice on whether or not you wanted to fight over it or just apologize!! I don't see how you could blame it on any of the hosts, bc it was something they were not physically involved in;;

strawberry hime ♥
ty april xD

so when you say you take no blame for SCB's damage, your basically saying you don't care about your participants?

ಠ__ಠ. Ok, I'm gonna be real: stop trying to pin the blame on me or Serendipity. Not once did I ever say that I do not care for SCB's participants. I care for each and every individual that takes the time out of their day to create wonderful things in something that's supposed to be for fun. Any circumstances that arose were completely out of my control and were caused by how YOU, the participant, decided to handle each situation. So again, I'm sorry to hear of what happened. But that falls on you man, not me.

What kind of music calms you down?

This really depends on my mood LOl but I like happy-feel songs or just easy listening in general

Um.....I am thinking of upgrading my microphone set and I don't know what mic I should get! My old mic was a cdrking one and I seriously don't know which mic I should get!! Could I ask you what microphone you use and what I can use? Thank you!!

Uuu ... I personally don't like sharing my equipment/setting information too much because some people usually go, "___ uses this therefore I must get the same equip--" when in actuality, there could be better options haha. ;u; If you still want to know, I use an Audio Technica AT2020. Take into consideration the voice type you have and the kind of environment you record in for your new mic though. :o Different voice types will have certain frequencies to look out for in mixing + microphones vary in how much sound they are going to pick up around you. Good luck finding a new mic tho /o/

Hey~ I'm new to the youtaite community and would like to learn some things about animating. What effecys would you use in AE that are relatively simple? That aside, are you planning on making any animation tutorials aytime soon? I'm sure loads of people would love that :)

UH. As of now I don't think I'm the right person to ask for tips and tricks, since I've just started on AE myself HAHA. As for using effects, how simple something may seem depends on the person, really. ;u; Other than that -- once I start to get better at using After Effects then I'll think about tutorials, but there's already loads of other resources and better teachers so yeah ;w;

Hi k*chan! First of all, I want to say that I'm a huge fan of yours and that your voice is really cute and soothing :) I just wanted to ask a questions about mixing. What programme/programmes do you use and what effects and presets do you use normally? I hope I'm not bothering you!

I use Adobe Audition CS6 for main mixing & as for presets and effects -- I don't feel comfortable with sharing those l'D What I set for my voice might sound very different for your voice/mic quality! I don't really have any set presets anyways. I always have to make a few adjustments in accordance to the song I'm mixing.

How would you describe what being in love is like?

I feel like I've just inhaled something super fluffy like a cloud, except it never leaves you. It spreads all over your insides and can even grow it's rlly weird

your stupid chorus battle tore apart all my friendships. thanks, kchan.

...??? ... Okay, I'm sorry for what happened to your friendships? But I take no blame whatsoever for what may have resulted from the battle. Yes, chorus battles may come with complications; but this can speak for any sort of chorus battle -- any /chorus project/ even! You know what depends on everything bad to happen though? How you handle it. So, I'm sorry to hear of what happened, but all I ask is that you don't try pinning the blame on my project.


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