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How can I cope with dying alone

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You’re not gonna die alone I promise <3 there is always someone there . A pet , a relative , a friend , or maybe even Siri lol . Fr tho please don’t think about dying . Love is out there and maybe it’s not in the romantic way . There is platonic relationships and that may include your best friend and they care for you so so much . You’re here right now and im so proud of you for it . You are here for purpose and you will soon find it . There is so much more tho in life to focus on in life than the end tho . You are the reason someone is happy to go to class , the reason someone smiles , and the reason someone is still here . You are loved and appreciated and wanted more than you could ever know . They might not say it but you are liked and envied . You may not see it . Idc how many times you call yourself ugly or whatever you are someone’s beauty standard somewhere ! they want what you have . Sorry for the long rant lol I tend to get off topic . But please have faith stay strong and think positively . Remember your thoughts become reality . If you think bad your life and thinking and way of being is all messed up and that’s all that surrounds you . It will change ya life the moment you speak all good to yourself and others and you will bring light to your life :)

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Language: English